2007 Alexander Lüning, Gerald Friedland, Raul Rojas: "Scaling Large-Screen Electronic Chalkboard Content to Handheld Devices", 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Technologies for E-Learning at 9th IEEE Symposium on Multimedia, Taichung, Taiwan (R.O.C.), December 10-12, 2007.
2007 Kristian Jantz, Gerald Friedland, Lars Knipping, Raul Rojas, "A Low-Cost Mobile Pointing and Drawing Device", ACM Workshop on Educational Multimedia and Multimedia Education at the ACM SIGMM Conference on Multimedia, Augsburg, Germany, September 2007.
2007 Erik Cuevas, Daniel Zaldivar, Ernesto Tapia and Raul Rojas, “An Incremental Fuzzy Algorithm for The Balance of Humanoid Robots”, chapter in: A. Lazinika, Humanoid Robots – New Developments, ARS, Vienna, June 2007.
2007 Gerald Friedland, Kristian Jantz, Tobias Lenz, Fabian Wiesel, Raul Rojas, "Object Cut and Past in Images and Videos", International Journal of Semantic Computing, World Scientific, USA, June 2007.
2007 David Schneider, Marco Block, Raul Rojas, "Robust Document Warping with Interpolated Vector Fields", International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 2007, Curitiba, Brasilien, April 2007.
2007 Marte Ramirez, Marco Block, Ernesto Tapia, Raul Rojas, "Quantile Linear Algorithms for Robust Binarization of Digitalized Letters", International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 2007, Curitiba, Brasil, April 2007.
2007 Kristian Jantz, Gerald Friedland, Raul Rojas, "Ubiquitous Pointing and Drawing", International Journal on Emerging Technologies for Learning (iJET), Vol.2, No. 1, ISSN: 1863-0383, Wien, Austria, March 2007.
2007 Felix von Hundelshausen, Marco Block, H. J. Wünsche, Raul Kompass, Raul Rojas, "Mesh-Based Active Monte Carlo Recognition", International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Hyderabad, India, January 2007.
2006 G. Friedland, K. Jantz, T. Lenz, F. Wiesel, R. Rojas: “A Practical Approach to Boundary-Accurate Multi-Object Extraction from Still Images and Videos”, to appear in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, San Diego, California, December December 11-13, 2006.
2006 G. Friedland, R. Rojas: “Human-Centered Webcasting of Interactive-Whiteboard Lectures”, in Proceedings of Seventh IEEE International Workshop in Multimedia Technologies for E-Learning, San Diego, California, December 11-13, 2006.
2006 E. Tapia, R. Rojas, “A Neural Architecture for Blind Source Separation”, ICA Research Network International Symposium, Liverpool, September 2006.
2006 S. Jeschke, L. Knipping, R. Rojas, R. Seiler: Intelligent Chalk-Systems for Modern Teaching: in Math, Science & Engineering Areas, accepted for ASEE`06
2006 Raul Rojas, Mark Simon, Oliver Tenchio, “Parabolic Flight Reconstruction from Multiple Images from a Single Camera”, RoboCup-2006 International Symposium, Bremen, June 2006.
2006 Jochen Brunhorn, Oliver Tenchio, Raul Rojas, “An Omnidirectional Wheel Based on Reuleaux Triangles”, RoboCup-2006 International Symposium, Bremen, June 2006.
2006 R. Rojas, “The S1 and S2 computing machines: Konrad Zuse’s work for the German military 1941-1945”, submitted to IEEE Annals of the History of Computing.
2006 T. Zoppke, R. Rojas, “The Virtual Life of ENIAC: Simulating the Operation of the First Electronic Computer”, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing.
2006 Alexander Gloye, Raul Rojas, “Holonomic Control of a Robot with an Omnidirectional Drive”, Künstliche Intelligenz, Springer-Verlag, 2006.
2005 G. Friedland, K. Jantz, R. Rojas, “SIOX: Simple Interactive Object Extraction in Still Images”, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2005), Irvine, California, December 2005.
2005 G. Friedland, C. Zick, K. Jantz, L. Knipping, R. Rojas, “An Interactive Datawall for an Intelligent Classroom”, DeLFI2005, Workshop Proceedings, pp. 25-30, Rostock, September 13th-16th, 2005.
2005 R. Rojas, F. Darius, C. Göktekin, and G. Heyne, „The Reconstruction of Konrad Zuse’s Z3“, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Vol. 27, N. 3, 2005, pp. 23-32.
2005 R. Rojas, Editor of the Special Issue “Autonomous Robotic Soccer” of Information Technology, Oldenbourg-Verlag, Editorial, Vol. 47, N. 5, 2005, pp. 239-240.
2005 Ketill Gunnarson, Fabian Wiesel, Raul Rojas, “Automatic On-Line Color Calibration for Autonomous Robots”, RoboCup 2005 International Symposium, Osaka, July 2005.
2005 Bastian Hecht, Mark Simon, Artem Petakov, Raul Rojas, “A Neural Coach for Teaching Robots Using Diagrams”, Workshop Agents in Real Time and Dynamic Environments, IJCAI 2005, Edinburgh, July 2005.
2005 Erik V. Cuevas, Daniel Zaldívar, and Raúl Rojas, "Robust fuzzy segmentation", International Congress on Computer Sciences, Biomedical Engineering and Electronics CONCIBE 2005, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 2005.
2005 Erik V. Cuevas, Daniel Zaldívar, and Raúl Rojas, "Vision tracking prediction", International Congress on Computer Sciences, Biomedical Engineering and Electronics CONCIBE 2005, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 2005.
2005 Erik V. Cuevas, Daniel Zaldívar, and Raúl Rojas, “Incremental fuzzy control for a biped robot balance", International Conference on Robotics and Applications 2005, October 31 - November 2, 2005 Cambridge, USA
2005 Ernesto Tapia and Raúl Rojas, “Recognition of On-line Handwritten Mathematical Formulas in the E-Chalk System – An Extension”, Eighth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), August 2005, Seoul, Korea.
2005 Gerald Friedland, Kristian Jantz, Lars Knipping, Raul Rojas, "The Virtual Technician: An Automatic Software Enhancer for Audio Recording in Lecture Halls," 9th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Melbourne, Australia, September 2005.
2005 Eric Cuevas, Daniel Zaldivar, Raul Rojas, "Dynamic Control Algorithm for a Biped Robot," 7th International Conference on Control and Applications, Cancún, Mexico, May 18-20, 2005.
2005 Gerald Friedland, Lars Knipping, Raul Rojas, Joachim Schulte, Christian Zick, "Die E-Chalk Software: Einsatz und Evaluation in Präsenzunterricht- und E-Learning Szenarien," in C. Lattemann, T. Köhler (eds..) Multimediale Bildungstechnologien I - Anwendungen und Implementationen, Verlag Peter-Lang, pp. 243-256, 2005.
2004 Eric Cuevas, Daniel Zaldivar, Raul Rojas, "Fuzzy segmentation in image processing," XXVI International Congress on Electrical Engineering, ELECTRO 2004.
2004 Eric Cuevas, Daniel Zaldivar, Raul Rojas, "Fuzzy condensed algorithm applied to control a robotic head for visual tracking”, International Symposium on Robotics and Automation, IEEE, ISRA 2004, Queretaro, Mexico, August 25-27, 2004
2004 Eric Cuevas, Daniel Zaldivar, Raul Rojas, "Neurofuzzy prediction for visual tracking," International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, IEEE, ICEEE 2004, Acapulco, México, June 2004.
2004 Eric Cuevas, Daniel Zaldivar, Raul Rojas, "LVQ Color segmentation applied to face localization," International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, IEEE, ICEEE 2004, Acapulco, México, June 2004.
2004 Raúl Rojas, Lars Knipping, Gerald Friedland, Ernesto Tapia, “Teaching with an Intelligent Electronic Chalkboard”, ACM Multimedia 2004, Workshop on Effective Telepresence, October 2004, NY, USA.
2004 Ernesto Tapia and Raúl Rojas. Recognition of On-Line Handwritten Mathematical Expressions using a Minimum Spanning Tree Construction and Symbol Dominance, in Josep Lladós and Young-Bin Kwon, (eds.), Graphics Recognition: Recent Advances and Perspectives, Fifth International Workshop, GREC 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3088, Springer Verlag, July 2004.
2004 Margarita Esponda, Raúl Rojas, “Learning Algorithms with an Electronic Chalkboard over the Web”, 3rd International Conference on Web-based Learning 2004, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 2004.
2004 Felix von Hundelshausen, Michael Schreiber, Raúl Rojas, „A Constructive Feature Detection Approach for Robotic Vision“,in D. Nardi, M. Riedmiller, C. Sammut, J. Santos-Victor, J. (eds.): RoboCup-2004 - Robot Soccer World Cup VIII, SpringerVerlag, 2004.
2004 Alexander Gloye, Cüneyt Göktekin, Anna Egorova, Oliver Tenchio, Raúl Rojas, “Learning to Drive and Simulate Autonomous Mobile Robots”, in D. Nardi, M. Riedmiller, C. Sammut, J. Santos-Victor, J. (eds.): RoboCup-2004 - Robot Soccer World Cup VIII, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
2004 Mark Simon, Fabian Wiesel, Anna Egorova, Alexander Gloye, Raúl Rojas, “Plug & Play: Fast Automatic Geometry and Color Calibration for Tracking Mobile Robots”, in D. Nardi, M. Riedmiller, C. Sammut, J. Santos-Victor, J. (eds.): RoboCup-2004 - Robot Soccer World Cup VIII, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
2004 Felix von Hundelshausen, and Raúl Rojas: “Tracking Regions”, in D. Polani, B. Browning, A. Bonarini, K. Yoshida (eds.): RoboCup-2003 - Robot Soccer World Cup VII, Springer, 2004.
2004 Sven Behnke, Anna Egorova, Alexander Gloye, Raúl Rojas, and Mark Simon: “Predicting away the Delay”, in D. Polani, B. Browning, A. Bonarini, K. Yoshida (eds.): RoboCup-2003 - Robot Soccer World Cup VII, Springer, 2004.
2003 Raúl Rojas, “Networks of Width One are Universal Classifiers”, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Portland, OR, July 2003.
2003 Anna Egorova, Alexander Gloye, Achim Liers, Raúl Rojas, Michael Schreiber, Mark Simon, Oliver Tenchio, and Fabian Wiesel: “FU-Fighters 2003 (Global Vision)”, in D. Polani, B. Browning, A. Bonarini, K. Yoshida (Co-chairs): RoboCup-2003 - Proceedings of the International Symposium.
2003 Felix von Hundelshausen, Raúl Rojas, Fabian Wiesel, Erik Cuevas, Daniel Zaldivar, and Ketill Gunarsson: “FU-Fighters Team Description 2003”, in D. Polani, B. Browning, A. Bonarini, K. Yoshida (Co-chairs): RoboCup-2003 - Proceedings of the International Symposium.
2003 Tapia und R. Rojas, “Recognition of On-Line Handwritten Mathematical Expressions using a Minimum Spanning Tree Construction and Symbol Dominance”, in Proceedings of the Fifth IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC), Barcelona, Spain, July 30-31, 2003.
2003 Tapia und R. Rojas, “Recognition of On-line Handwritten Mathematical Formulas in the E-Chalk System”, in Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), Edinburgh, Scotland, August 3-6, 2003.
2003 Friedland, L. Knipping, E. Tapia, R. Rojas, “Web Based Education as a Result of AI Supported Classroom Teaching”, in Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES), Oxford, England, September 3-5, 2003. To appear in: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) Vol. 2774, pp. 290f, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
2003 G. Friedland, L. Knipping, R. Rojas, C. Zick, “Mapping the Classroom into the Web: Case Studies from several Institutions”, Proceedings of the 12th EDEN Annual Conference, Rhodos, June 2003.
2002 Sven Behnke, Alexander Gloye, Felix von Hundelshausen, and Raúl Rojas: FUFighters
2002 (Middle Size), in: G. A. Kaminka, P U. Lima, R. Rojas (eds.): RoboCup-2002: RobotSoccer World Cup VI, The 2002 International RoboCup Symposium Proceedings.
2002 Raúl Rojas, Sven Behnke, Achim Liers, and Lars Knipping, "FU-Fighters 2001 (Global Vision)", in: A. Birk, S. Coradeschi, and S. Tadokoro (editors): RoboCup- 2001: Robot Soccer World Cup V, Springer-Verlag.
2002 Raúl Rojas, Felix von Hundelshausen, Sven Behnke, Bernhard Frötschl "FU-Fighters Omni 2001 (Local Vision)", in: A. Birk, S. Coradeschi, and S. Tadokoro (editors): RoboCup-2001: Robot Soccer World Cup V, Springer-Verlag.
2001 Felix v. Hundelshausen, Sven Behnke, Raul Rojas, "An omnidirectional vision system that finds and tracks color edges and blobs", in: A. Birk, S. Coradeschi, and S. Tadokoro (editors): RoboCup-2001: Robot Soccer World Cup V, Springer-Verlag.
2001 R.Rojas, L.Knipping, G.Friedland, U.Raffel,C.Zick: "Elektronische Kreide - Eine Java-Multimedia-Tafel fuer den Praesenz- und Fernunterricht". In GMW-Forum 2001, Gesellschaft fuer Medien in der Wissenschaft, Siegen, 2001.
2001 Sven Behnke, Raúl Rojas, "A Hierarchy of Reactive Behaviors Handles Complexity", in: M. Hannebauer, J. Wendler, and E. Pagello (editors): Balancing Reactivity and Social Deliberation in Multi-Agent Systems, pp. 125-136, Springer 2001.
2001 Raúl Rojas, Lars Knipping, Ulrich Raffel, Gerald Friedland, Bernhard Frötschl, "Ende der Kreidezeit - Die Zukunft des Mathematikunterrichts", DMV Mitteilungen, Nr. 1/2001, Berlin.
2001 Raúl Rojas, Lars Knipping, Ulrich Raffel, Gerald Friedland, "Elektronische Kreide: Eine Java-Multimedia-Tafel für den Präsenz und Fernunterreicht", in Informatik: Forschung und Entwicklung. Vol. 16, N. 3, pp. 159-168. Also in Beck, Sommer (eds.), Learntec Tagungsband, Vol. 2, pp. 533-539, Karlsruhe, October 2001.
2001 Raul Rojas, Sven Behnke, Lars Knipping, Bernhard Frötschl, "Team Description: FUFighters
2000", Peter Stone (Hrsg.), "RoboCup-2000: Robot Soccer World Cup IV", in: P. Stone, T. Balch, and G. Kraetzschmar (editors): RoboCup-2000: Robot Soccer World Cup IV, pp. 547-550, Springer-Verlag.
2000 Sven Behnke, Raul Rojas, and Gerd Wagner, "A hierarchy of reactive behaviors handles complexity", Proceedings of: Balancing Reactivity and Social Deliberation in Multi-Agent Systems, Workshop at ECAI, 14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Berlin, 2000.
2000 S. Behnke, B.Frötschl, R. Rojas, P. Ackers, W. Lindstrot, M. de Melo, M. Preier, A. Schebesch, M. Simon, M. Sprengel, and O. Tenchio, "RoboCup-99 (F180) Team Description: FU-Fighters," Team Descriptions RoboCup'99 - Stockholm, 1999. revised Version in RoboCup-99: Robot Soccer World Cup III, pp. 667-670, Springer, 2000.
2000 S. Behnke, B.Frötschl, R. Rojas, P. Ackers, W. Lindstrot, M. de Melo, M. Preier, A. Schebesch, M. Simon, M. Sprengel, and O. Tenchio, "Using hierarchical dynamical systems to control reactive behavior," Proceedings IJCAI'99 - International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, The Third International Workshop on RoboCup - Stockholm, pp. 28-33, 1999. New version in RoboCup-'99: Robot Soccer World Cup III, pp. 186-195, Springer, 2000.
2000 R.Rojas, "Soccer Without Reason - Sensor fusion in the FU-Fighters Team", Proceedings of the International Workshop Data Fusion and Perception, Udine, Oktober 2000.
2000 Mark Simon, Sven Behnke, and Raul Rojas, "Robust Real Time Color Tracking", Peter Stone (Hrsg.), Proceedings of: The Fourth International Workshop on RoboCup, Melbourne, Australia, 2000, pp. 62-71.
2000 M. Pfister, S. Behnke, R. Rojas, "Recognition of Handwritten ZIP Codes in a Real— World Non-Standard-Letter Sorting System", Journal of Applied Intelligence, Vol. 12, N. 1/2, January 2000, pp. 95-115.
1999 M. Pfister, S. Behnke, R. Rojas, "Recognition of Handwitten ZIP Codes in a Postal Sorting System", KI Zeitschrift, N. 2, 1999, pp. 5-11.
1998 "Neuronale Netze: Konzepte und Anwendungen", in Computational Intelligence, VDI-Berichte 1381, Berlin, March 3-4, 1998, pp. 1-18.
1998 S. Behnke, M. Pfister, R. Rojas, "A study on the combination of classifiers for handwritten digit recognition", in: D. Nauck, G. Krell, R. Kruse, B. Michaelis, Neural Networks in Applications NN'98, Magdeurg, February 12-13, 1998, pp. 39-46.
1998 "How to make Konrad Zuse's Z3 a universal computer", IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Vol. 20, N. 3, pp. 51-54.
1998 S. Behnke, R. Rojas, "Neural Abstraction Pyramid: A hierarchical image understanding architecture", International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 98, Anchorage, May 1998.
1997 S. Behnke, R. Rojas,"Recognition of handwritten digits using structural information", Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Networks 1997, Houston, Vol. 3, pp. 1391-1396.
1997 "Konrad Zuse's legacy: the architecture of the Z1 and Z3", Annals of the History of Computing, Vol. 19, N. 2, 1997, pp. 5-16. The article has been translated to Russian and Polish (www.zib.de/zuse).
1996 "A graph labeling proof of the backpropagation algorithm", Communications of the ACM, December 1996, Vol. 39, N. 12, pp. 202-206.
1996 S. Behnke, M. Pfister, R. Rojas, "Ein hybrides Verfahren zur Erkennung handgeschriebener Ziffern", Second Cottbus Workshop on Neural Learning, COWAN 96 Proceedings, 1996, pp. 175-192.
1996 R. Rojas, T. Bräsel, B. Frötschl, "Rotation and Translation Invariant Pattern Recognition - The Effect of Discretization", New Developments and Industrial Applications of Image Processing, Proceedings, Aachen, September 1996, pp. 137- 143.
1996 M. Pfister, R. Rojas, "Hybrid learning algorithms for neural networks", Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Vol. 76, Suppl. 1, 1996, pp. 215-218.
1996 "Die Architektur der Rechenmaschinen Z1 und Z3 von Konrad Zuse", InformatikSpektrum, Vol. 19, N. 6, 1996, pp. 303-314.
1996 "Conditional branching is not necessary for universal computation in von Neumann computers", Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 2, N. 11, pp. 756-767.
1996 R. Rojas, W. Wolf, "Zeitreihenvorhersage mit neuronalen Netzen", Proceedings EUFIT 96, Aachen, September 1996.
1996 "Nonlinear time series forecasting with neural networks", Proceedings of the International World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, Athen, 10.-17. Juli, 1996.
1996 "Konrad Zuse's Legacy - The Architecture of the Z1 and Z3", International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 18, Berlin, March 22-30, 1996.
1995 "A short proof of the posterior probability property of classifier neural networks", Journal of Neural Computation, Vol. 7, N. 6, 1995, pp. 41-43.
1995 "Early computers in relation to contemporary computer architectures", in: Proceedings of the Cultural History of Mathematics, Vol.5, pp. 60-70.
1994 F. Darius, R. Rojas, "Simulated Molecular Evolution or Computer Generated Artifacts", Biophysical Journal, Vol. 27, N. 5, November 1994, pp. 2120-2122.
1994 "Oscillating Iteration Paths in Neural Networks Learning", Computers & Graphics - International Journal, Vol. 18, N. 4, pp. 593-597.
1994 "On Basic Concepts of Early Computers in Relation to Contemporary Computer Architectures", 13th World Computer Congress, September 1994, pp. 324-331.
1994 "The fractal geometry of backpropagation", IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, Vol. I, Orlando, July, 1994, pp. 245-250.
1994 R. Rojas, M. Pfister, "First and second-order gradient descent in SIMD computers", IMAC 14th World Congress on Computation and Applied Mathematics, Atlanta, July 11-15, 1994, pp. 102-105.
1994 M. Pfister, R. Rojas, "Fast hybrid learning algorithms for neural networks", Fourth Dortmund Fuzzy Days, Dortmund, 6-8 June, 1994.
1994 "The boolean sphere: a geometrical approach to perceptron learning", World Congress on Neural Networks, San Diego, Vol. III, pp. 358-363.
1994 "Optimal Weight Initialization for Neural Networks", International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Sorrento, May 1994, pp. 431-435.
1994 "Visualizing the learning process for neural networks", European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Brussels, April 1994, pp. 211- 216.
1993 Marcus Pfister, R. Rojas, "Speeding-up Backpropagation: A Comparison of Orthogonal Techniques", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Nagoya, Japan, October 1993.
1993 "A graphical proof of the Backpropagation Learning Algorithm", Parallel Computing Technologies 93, Proceedings, Obninsk, Russia, August 1993, pp. 45-56.
1993 "Who invented the computer? The debate from the viewpoint of computer architecture", in: W. Gautschi (ed.), Fifty Years Mathematics of Computation, Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, AMS, 1993, pp. 361-366.
1993 T. Strothotte, R. Rojas, F. Deconinck, "Anti-Perfektionismus in Computerausgaben am Beispiel von ungenauen Graphiken", in: Karl-Heinz Rödiger (ed.), Software Ergonomie 93 - Von der Benutzungsoberfläche zur Arbeitsgestaltung, Teubner, Stuttgart, 1993, pp. 111-122.
1992 M. Esponda, R. Rojas, "A graphical comparison of RISC processors", Computer Architecture News, September 1992, pp. 3-8.
1992 "Visualisierung von neuronalen Netzen", in V. Hinz, P. Lorenz, T. Strothotte, Visualisierung und Präsentation von Modellen und Resultaten der Simulation, Proceedings, Magdeburg, March 1992, pp. 67-75.
1991 "Closing the technological gap in Eastern Europe - The case of computer technology", J. Perrin (ed.), Mâitrise Sociale de la Technologie, Proceedings, Lyon, September 1991, pp. 165-188.
1991 "A tutorial on efficient computer graphic representations of the Mandelbrot set", Computers & Graphics International Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1991, pp. 91-100.
1987 Raul Rojas, Sergio Guevara, "Netbios-kompatible Netzwerkkarte für MS/PC-DOSSysteme", Design & Elektronik, N. 4, February 1987.
1986 "Der Einsatz von Computern in Dritte-Welt-Ländern", in: K.T.Schröder (ed.), Arbeit und Informationstechnik, Springer-Verlag 1986.
1985 Raul Rojas, Frank Darius, Jürgen Drepper, "68008-Karte für den Apple-II", MCMikrocomputer Zeitschrift, N. 9, 1985.
2006 G. Friedland, K. Jantz, R. Rojas, C. Zick,: “The Next Generation Classroom - Combining A Laser Based Display System with an Intelligent Teaching Tool” in W. Hendricks, S. Jeschke, C. Thomsen (eds.), New Media in Education and Research, Vol. 5, Technische Universität Berlin, April 2006.
2005 Zick, Christian, Friedland, Gerald, Knipping Lars, „Elektronische Tafel: altes Medium in neuem Gewand“, in: Neues Handbuch für die Hochschullehre, B. Berendt, H-P. Voss, and J. Wildt (eds.), Raabe-Verlag, October 2005, 18 pp.
2004 Raul Rojas, Cüneyt Göktekin, Gerald Friedland, M. Krüger, Ludmilla Scharf, D. Kuniss, Olaf Langmack, "Konrad Zuses Plankalkül - Seine Genese und eine moderne Implementierung“ in H. Hellige (ed.), Geschichten der Informatik, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004, pp. 215, ISBN: 3-540-00217-0.
2003 Interview mit Raúl Rojas in Hans-Dieter Burkhard, Hans-Arthur Marsiske: Endspiel 2050, Wie Roboter Fußball spielen lernen, Heise Zeitschriften Verlag, Hannover, 2003.
2001 "Wie sage ich es meinen Computer?"- Methoden der automatischen Spracherkennung, Fundiert Magazine, Freie Universität Berlin, N. 1/2001, pp.62-71.
2001 "Konrad Zuse", in David Anderson (ed.), Interviews with Computer Pioneers, British Museum, London.
2001 "Künstliche Neuronale Netze als neues Paradigma der Informationsverarbeitung", in Michael Pauen, Gerhard Roth (eds.), Neurowissenschaften und Philosophie, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München, 2001.
2000 "Simulating Konrad Zuse's Computers", Dr. Dobbs Journal, N. 316, September 2000, pp. 64-69.
1997 "Los ordenadores de Konrad Zuse", Investigación y Ciencia, Spanish Edition of Scientific American, December 1997, pp. 22-30.
1997 "Was können neuronale Netze?", Interdisziplinäres Kolleg 1997, Proceedings, Günne.
1997 "Konrad Zuses Rechenmaschinen: Sechzig Jahre Computergeschichte", Spektrum der Wissenschaft, German Edition of Scientific American, May 1997, pp. 55-62
1996 R. Rojas, A. Thurm, "Learning the History of Computing with Multimedia Solutions", in: A.P. Swiridow, P. Widmayer, W.-D. Oberhoff, H. Unger (eds.), New Media for Education and Training in Computer Science, Infix Verlag, Sankt Augustin, 1996, pp. 142-146.
1996 R. Rojas, G. Dorffner, K. Möller, G. Paass, S. Vogel (eds.), "Konnektionismus und Neuronale Netze - Beiträge zur HeKoNN 96", GMD- Studien, N. 300, GMD.
1995 A. Albanese, R. Rojas, "Supercarreteras de la Información", Ciencia y Desarrollo, Vol. 14, N. 6, pp. 45-51.
1994 A. Albanese, R. Rojas, "Autostrade Dell'Informazione", Convegno SMAU, Milan, October 1994.
1994 "Approximationstheorie, Statistik und neuronale Netze", in: F. Kurfess, I. Duwe, G. Paass, S. Vogel (eds.), Konnektionismus und neuronale Netze, Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung, GMD- Studien 242, Bonn, 1994, pp. 23-38.
1994 "Was können neuronale Netze", in R.-H. Schulz (ed.), Mathematische Aspekte der Angewandten Informatik, BI-Verlag, Mannheim, 1994, pp. 55-88.
1990 R. Rojas, S. Castillo, H. Hernández, "Redes de computadoras para la comunidad acad'emica", Ciencia y Desarrollo, Vol. 16, N. 7, 1990, pp. 107-118.
1990 "Aktuelles Lexikon: Logische Programmierung", in LOGIN - Informatik und Computer in der Schule, Vol. 10, N. 3, 1990, pp. 52-53.
1990 "Internet: la red de redes", IDEA de IBM, Vol. 1, N. 1, 1990, pp. 14-18.
2007 Marco Block, Marte Ramirez Ortegon, Manuel Siebeneicher, Alexander Seibert, Raul Rojas, Adaptive Textzeilensegmentierung zur Lösung des Vice Versa-Problems, Free University of Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report B-07- 04, January 2007.
2007 Marco Block, Marte Ramirez Ortegon, Alexander Seibert, Jan Kretzschmar, Raul Rojas, SITT - A Simple Robust Scale invariant Text Feature Detector, Free University of Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report B-07-02, January 2007.
2007 Ernesto Tapia, Raul Rojas, A Survey on Recognition of On-Line Handwritten Mathematical Notation, Free University of Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report B-07-01, January 2007.
2007 Javier Rojo, Raul Rojas, Ketill Gunnarsson, Mark Simon, Fabian Wiesel, Fabian Ruff, Lars Wolter, Frederik Zilly, Neven Santrac, Tinosch Ganjineh, Arash Sarkohi, Fritz Ulbrich, David Latotzky, Benjamin Jankovic, Gretta Hohl, Thomas Wisspeintner, Kai Pervoelz, "Spirit of Berlin - The Hardware and Software Architecture of an Autonomous Car", Free University of Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report B-07-09, May 2007.
2007 Tim Landgraf, Raul Rojas, "Tracking honey bee dances from sparse optical flow fields", Free University of Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report B-07-11, June 2007.
2006 G. Friedland, T. Lenz, K. Jantz, R. Rojas: “Extending the SIOX Algorithm: Alternative Clustering Methods, Sub-pixel Accurate Object Extraction from Still Images, and Generic Video Segmentation”, Technical Report B-06-06, Department of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, January 2006.
2006 N. Santrac, G. Friedland, R. Rojas,: “High Resolution Segmentation with a Time-ofFlight 3D-Camera using the Example of a Lecture Scene”, Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report B-06-09.
2006 B. Jankovic, G. Friedland, R. Rojas: “Experiments on Using MPEG-4 for Broadcasting Electronic Chalkboard Lectures”, Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report B-06-05, June 2006.
2005 Gerald Friedland, Kristian Jantz, Lars Knipping, Raul Rojas, "Image Segmentation by Uniform Color Clustering - Approach and Benchmark Results," Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report B-05-07.
2005 Gerald Friedland, Kristian Jantz, Lars Knipping, Raul Rojas, "Experiments on Lecturer Segmentation using Texture Classification and a 3D Camera," Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report B-05-04.
2005 Erik V. Cuevas, Daniel Zaldívar, and Raúl Rojas, "Computer Vision using MatLAB and the Toolbox of Image Processing", Technical Report B 05-9, Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, 2005.
2005 Erik V. Cuevas, Daniel Zaldívar, and Raúl Rojas, "Mahalanobis fuzzy segmentation applied to face segmentation", Technical Report B 05-10, Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, 2005.
2005 Erik V. Cuevas, Daniel Zaldívar, and Raúl Rojas, "Particle filter for vision tracking", Technical Report B 05-13, Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, 2005.
2005 Erik V. Cuevas, Daniel Zaldívar, and Raúl Rojas, "Kalman filter for vision tracking", Technical Report B 05-12, Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, 2005.
2005 Erik V. Cuevas, Daniel Zaldívar, and Raúl Rojas, "Stereo tracking", Technical Report B 05-17, Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, 2005.
2005 Erik V. Cuevas, Daniel Zaldívar, Raúl Rojas, Ernesto Tapia, Marco Perez, and Alberto de la Mora, "Adaptive Control Applied to Robot Tracking Systems", Technical Report B 05-22, Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, 2005.
2005 G. Friedland, K. Jantz, R. Rojas, “ Cut & Paste: Merging the Video with the Whiteboard Stream for Remote Lectures”, Technical Report B-05-19, Department of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, October 2005.
2005 G. Friedland, K. Jantz, L. Knipping, R. Rojas, “Image Segmentation by Uniform Color Clustering - Approach and Benchmark Results”, Technical Report B-05-07, Faculty of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, June 2005.
2004 G. Friedland, K. Jantz, L. Knipping, “Towards Automatized Studioless Audio Recording: A Smart Lecture Recorder”, Technical Report B-04-14, Faculty of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, September 2004.
2004 Eric Cuevas, Daniel Zaldivar, Raul Rojas, "Fuzzy Segmentation applied to face segmentation," Free University of Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report B 04-09.
2004 Eric Cuevas, Daniel Zaldivar, Raul Rojas, "Bipedal robot description," Free University of Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report B-04-19.
2004 Eric Cuevas, Daniel Zaldivar, Raul Rojas, "Walking trajectory control for a biped robot," Free University of Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report B 04-18.
2004 Olga Kroupina, Raul Rojas, "A Survey of Compartmental modelling packages," Free University of Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report B 04- 08.
2004 Kristian Jantz, Gerald Friedland, Raul Rojas, "Trennung von Dozenten und Tafel in einem E-Kreide Video," Free University of Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report B-04-07.
2004 Gerald Friedland, Lars Knipping, Raul Rojas, Joachim Schulte, Christian Zick, "Evaluationsergebnisse zum Einsatz des E-Kreide Systems im Wintersemester 2003/2004," Free University of Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report B 04-06.
2004 Marco Block, Gerald Friedland, Lars Knipping, Raul Rojas, "Schachspielen auf einer elektronischen Tafel," Free University of Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report B-04-20, 2004.
2003 Felix von Hundelshausen, Michael Schreiber, Fabian Wiesel, Achim Liers, and Raúl Rojas: “Team Description of the FU-Fighters Mid-Size 2003”, Technical Report B- 11-03, FU-Berlin, Juni 2003.
2003 Alexander Gloye, Mark Simon, Anna Egorova, Fabian Wiesel, Oliver Tenchio, Mischael Schreiber, and Raúl Rojas: “Hardware and Software of the FU-Fighters 2003”, Technical Report B-10-03, FU-Berlin, Juni 2003.
2003 Felix von Hundelshausen, Michael Schreiber, Fabian Wiesel, Achim Liers, and Raúl Rojas: “MATRIX: A force field pattern matching method for mobile robots”, Technical Report B-09-03, FU-Berlin, Juni 2003.
2003 Alexander Gloye, Mark Simon, Anna Egorova, Fabian Wiesel, Oliver Tenchio, Michael Schreiber, Sven Behnke, and Raúl Rojas: “Predicting away robot control latency”, Technical Report B-08-03, FU-Berlin, Juni 2003.
2003 G. Friedland, L. Knipping, R. Rojas, E. Tapia, “Das E-Chalk System: Stand der Entwicklung”, Technical Report B-03-03, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, February 2003.
2003 Erik V. Cuevas, Daniel Zaldívar, and Raúl Rojas, "Competitive Neural Networks Applied to Face Localization", Technical Report B-03-13, FU Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, October 9, 2003.
2003 Erik V. Cuevas, Daniel Zaldívar, and Raúl Rojas, "Intelligent Tracking", Technical Report B-03-15, FU Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, November 10, 2003.
2003 Erik V. Cuevas, Daniel Zaldívar, and Raúl Rojas, "Neurofuzzy Prediction for Visual Tracking", Technical Report B 03-16, FU Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, November 12, 2003.
2002 Tapia und R. Rojas, “Recognition of Handwritten Digits in the E-Chalk System using Support Vector Machines”, Technical Report B02-14, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Oktober 2002.
2002 G. Friedland, L. Knipping, R. Rojas, “E-Chalk Technical Description”, Technical Report B-02-11, Faculty of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, May 2002.
2002 Anna Egorova, Alexander Gloye, Raúl Rojas: „Videoanalyse von Sportspielen“, Technical Report B-15-2002, FU-Berlin, November 2002.
2000 Raúl Rojas, Lars Knipping, Ulrich Raffel, Gerald Friedland, "Elektronische Kreide: Eine Java-Multimedia-Tafel für den Präsenz und Fernunterreicht", Technical Report B-17/2000, Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Informatik, Oktober 2000.
2000 R. Rojas, S. Behnke, Bernhard Frötschl, Lars Knipping, Kirill Koulechov, Wolf Lindstrot, Mark Simon, Oliver Tenchio, Lars Wolter "The Robotic Soccer Turing Test", Technical Report B-00-14, FU Berlin, August 2000.
2000 Raúl Rojas, Cüneyt Göktekin, Gerald Friedland, Mike Krüger, Olaf Langmack, Denis Kuniß "Plankalkül: The First High-Level Programming Language and its Implementation", Technical Report B-3/2000, Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Informatik, February 2000.
1999 Peter Ackers, Sven Behnke, Bernhard Frötschl, Wolf Lindstrot, Manuel de Melo, Mark Preier, Raul Rojas, Andreas Schebesch, Mark Simon, Martin Sprengel, Oliver Tenchio, "The Soul of a New Machine: The Soccer Robot Team of the FU Berlin", Technical Report B-12/99, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, FU Berlin, 1999.
1997 G. Feuer, P. Löhr, R. Rojas (eds.), "Das Globale Datennetz: Technische Möglichkeiten - Soziale Auswirkungen", Technical Report B-97-1, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, FU Berlin, March 1997.
1996 "Die Rechenmaschinen von Konrad Zuse - Sechzig Jahre Computergeschichte", Technical Report B-96-04, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, FU Berlin, April 1996
1995 M. Pfister, R. Rojas, "Hybrid learning algorithms for neural networks - The adaptive inclusion of second order information", Technical Report 8 (1995), Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Halle.
1993 Marcus Pfister, R. Rojas, "Backpropagation Algorithms - Characteristics and Efficiency", Technical Report B-93/04, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, FU Berlin, July 1993.
1993 "Second-Order Backpropagation: Efficient Computation of the Hessian Matrix for Neural Networks", TR-93-057, International Computer Science Institute, September 1993, Berkeley.
1992 "The inner structure of the Mandelbrot set", Technical Report B-92- 12, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Free University of Berlin, May 1992, 17 p.
1989 "The Garbage Collection Question in Logic Programming", Internal Report GMD/FIRST.
1988 "The Warren Abstract Machine - A Tutorial Introduction", Internal Report GMD/FIRST.
1987 "Speeding up Fractal Drawing", Internal Report GMD/FIRST.
1981 Margarita Esponda, Raul Rojas, "Simulación Digital Discreta", Technical Report, National Nuclear Research Center, Mexico.
1975 Wilfrido López, Raul Rojas, "Rec-Aritmético para la PDP-10 y PDP- 15", Technical Report, National Nuclear Research Center, Mexico.
2008 „Fünf Minuten Mathematik“, Berliner Morgenpost (five articles)
2004 „Roboter gewinnen dank Menschenhand“, VDI Nachrichten, 16. Juli 2004.
2001 "Konrad Zuse - War der Erfinder des Computers doch kein Musterschüler?", Telepolis.de, 24.1.01.
2000 "Beziehungen Schaffen - Geschichte der KI", Tagesspiegel, 08/20/00.
2000 "Die schwerelose Gesellschaft", FU Nachrichten, Mai 2000.
1999 "Nur der Schiedsrichter ist ein Mensch", FU Nachrichten, Oktober 1999.
1996 E. Altvater, R. Rojas, "Ohne Moos nichts los", FU Nachrichten, Juni 1996.
1994 "Selbstkorrigierende Programme", LOGIN, N. 4, 1994.
1990 "Effiziente Heap-Verwaltung durch garbage compaction nach Morris", c't, N. 4, 1990, pp. 286-289.
1988 "Vorführeffekt ade", MC-Mikrocomputer Zeitschrift, N. 5, 1988.
1987 J. Beer, Raul Rojas, "Coroutinen in C und Pascal", MC-Mikrocomputer Zeitschrift, N. 7, July 1987.
1987 "LAN als Alternative zu Minicomputern", Datacom, N. 5, May 1987.
1987 "MOVE-Utility für MS-DOS", MC-Mikrocomputer Zeitschrift, N. 5, May 1987.
1987 "Turbo-Pascal für den Macintosh", Pascal, N. 4, April 1987.
1986 "Preistrend bei Speicher-Chips" MC-Mikrocomputer Zeitschrift, N. 5, May 1986.
1985 "Der PC-10 von Commodore", MC-Mikrocomputer Zeitschrift, N. 10, 1985.
1985 "Preissturz bei Speicherchips", MC-Mikrocomputer Zeitschrift, N. 8, 1985.
1998 "Über die globale Dynamik der Informationstechnologie", in M. Heinrich, D. Messner, Globalisierung und Perspektiven linker Politik, Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster, 1998, pp. 194-205.
1996 R. Rojas, E. Dussel, "El dinero electrónico en la red de datos global", Economía Informa, Mexico, N. 251, pp. 42-50
1996 "Digitales Geld im globalen Datennetz", Prokla - Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, Vol. 26, N. 2, 1996, pp. 227-240.
1992 "Chaos als neues naturwissenschaftliches Paradigma", Prokla - Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, Vol. 22, N. 3, 1992, pp. 374- 387.
1992 "Ein verlorenes Jahrzehnt", in: R. Aehnelt (ed.), Mexiko, VSA-Verlag, Hamburg, 1992, pp. 149-161.
1991 "Mexico: Five Years of Debt Crisis", The Poverty of Nations - A Guide to the Debt Crisis, Zed Books Ltd, London, 1991, pp. 168-181.
1991 Raul Rojas, Enrique Dussel, "Entrevista a Elmar Altvater: los cambios en Europa Oriental y la unificación de Alemania", Revista Homines de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Vol. 14, N. 2, 1991, pp. 100-105.
1991 Horst Albach, Diana de Pay, Raul Rojas, Jan Albruschat, "Quellen, Zeiten und Kosten von Innovationen", Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, Vol. 61, N. 3, 1991, pp. 309- 324.
1990 "Computerisierung der Sozialwissenschaften", Prokla - Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, Vol. 20, June 1990, pp. 75-87.
1989 Horst Albach, Diana de Pay, Raul Rojas, "Innovationsprozess bei kulturspezifisch unterschiedlich innovationsfreudigen Konsumenten", Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, Vol. 59, N. 1, 1989, pp. 109-129. Reprinted in: Horst Albach (ed.), Innovations-Management - Theorie und Praxis in Kulturvergleich, Gabler, Wiesbaden, 1990.
1989 Horst Albach, Diana de Pay, Raul Rojas, "Modell der Markteinführung einer Innovation", Bericht 03-007-89-005, Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1989, 40 p.
1987 "La evolución histórica de la teoría cuantitativa del dinero", Investigación Económica, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), N. 179, January 1987, pp. 29- 84.
1986 "Gibt es eine Lösung für die Verschuldungskrise?", Das Argument, N. 37, March 1986.
1985 "El valor internacional del peso mexicano", Teoría y Política, N. 12/1*3, January 1985, Mexico, pp. 91-123.
1984 "Verschuldungskrise ohne Ende", Das Argument, N. 147, Berlin.
1984 "We pay mañana: die Verschuldung Mexikos und die heutige Krise", Peripherie, N. 15/16, Berlin.
1983 Antonio Rojas, Raul Rojas "Quelles sont les causes de la d'evaluation du peso?", Etudes Mexicaines, N. 6, 1983, Perpignan, France.
1982 Antonio Rojas, Raul Rojas, "Por qué se devaluó el peso?", Teoría y Política, January 1983, pp. 69-116.