A Strategy to implement parallel algorithms on multicomputers
A.Fernández, J. M. Llabería, J.J. Navarro, M. Valero-García, J.L. Larriba-Pey y A. Suárez
EC Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1992, p. 244.
On Efficient Parallel Implemented Algorithms for Transputer Systems
A. Fernández, J. M. Llabería, J.J. Navarro, M. Valero-García and J.L. Larriba
3rd. Workshop of the Parallel Computing Action, Bonn, 1991.
Transformation of Systolic Algorithms for Interleaving Partition
A. Fernandez, J.M. Llaberia, J.J. Navarro, M. Valero-Garcia, M. Valero
Int. Conference Application Specific Array Processors, IEEE Computer Society Press 1991, pp. 56-71.
Performance Evaluation of Transputer Systems with Linear Algebra Problems
A. Fernandez, J.M. Llaberia, J.J. Navarro, M. Valero-Garcia
Microprocessing and Microprograming, Vol 32, n 1-5, 1991, pp. 825-832.
Interleaving Partitions of Systolic Algorithms for Programming Distributed Memory Multiprocessors
A. Fernández, J.M. Llabería, J.J. Navarro and M. Valero-García
European Distributed Memory Computing Conference, 1991, pp. 90-99.
Increasing Systolic Algorithm Granularity for Multicomputers
A. Fernández, J.M. Llabería, J.J. Navarro, M. Valero-García and M. Valero
2nd. SIAM Conf. on Linear Algebra, San Francisco, 1990.
Transforming nested loops algorithms for distributed memory multicomputers
A. Fernández, J.M. Llabería, J.J. Navarro and M. Valero-García
Int. Conf. on Mini and Microcomputers and their applications, Lugano 1990.
LU Decomposition on a mesh-connected transputer system
A. Fernández, J.M. Llabería, J.J. Navarro, M. Valero-García and M. Valero
1st Workshop of Parallel Computing Action, Southampton, 1990, pp. 38-47.
On the use of systolic algorithms for programming distributed memory multiprocessors
A. Fernández, J.M. Llabería, J.J. Navarro, M. Valero-García and M. Valero
Int. Conf. on Systolic Arrays, Prentice-Hall 1989, pp. 631-640.
"Programming Multiprocessor Systems Using Systolic Algorithms"
J. M. Llabería, J. J. Navarro, M. Valero-García y A. Fernández
Proc. 36th ISMM International Conference on Mini and Microcomputers and their Applications, Sant Feliu 1988, pp.104-109.
Agent-based simulation framework for airport collaborative decision making
Ivan García, Miguel Valero, Xavier Prats and Luis Delgado
6th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, 2014
A Methodology for User-Oriented Scalability Analysis
D. Royo, M. Valero-García, A. González and C. Marí
Int. Conference Application Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, IEEE Computer Society Press 1997, pp. 304-315.
Loop Transformation Using Nonunimodular Matrices
A. Fernández, J.M. Llabería and M. Valero-García
IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol 6, No. 8, 1995, pp. 832-840.
Benchmarking: una técnica para la evaluación rápida de computadores
D. Royo and M. Valero-García
Informática y Automática, Vol. 27, No. 1, 1994, pp. 19-27.
Parallel QR Decomposition on the Suprenum Multiprocessor
J.L. Larriba-Pey, M. Valero-García y J.J. Navarro
Parallel Computing and Transputer Applications, CIMN/IOS Press, pp. 167-176, 1992
Arquitecturas Paralelas Orientadas a Prolog. Multiprocesadores de flujo de datos
A. Gonzalez, J. Tubella, M. Valero-Garcia, M.A. Garcia y C. Aliagas
Mundo Electronico, No. 224-225, Enero 1992, Boixareu Editores, pp. 84-94.
Arquitecturas Paralelas Orientadas a Prolog. Multiprocesadores von Neumann
M. Valero-Garcia, J. Tubella, A. Gonzalez, M.A. Garcia y C. Aliagas
Mundo Electronico, No. 217 Mayo 1991, Boixareu Editores, pp. 84-93.
Arquitecturas Paralelas Orientadas a Prolog. Paralelismo OR
J. Tubella, A. Gonzalez, M. Valero-Garcia, M.A. Garcia y C. Aliagas
Mundo Electronico, No. 215 Marzo 1991, Boixareu Editores, pp. 64-73.
Arquitecturas Paralelas Orientadas a Prolog. Introducció a Prolog y Paralelismo AND
A. Gonzalez, J. Tubella, M. Valero-Garcia, M.A. Garcia y C. Aliagas
Mundo Electronico, No. 214, Febrero1991, Boixareu Editores, pp. 67-75.
OCCAM: Descripcion del lenguaje y Desarrollo de Aplicaciones
M. Valero-Garcia y A. Fernandez
Mundo Electronico, No. 181, Febrero1988, Boixareu Editores, pp. 39-45.
Arquitectura de los Microprocesadores CISC de 32 bits
T. Jove, E. Ayguade y M. Valero-Garcia
Mundo Electronico, No. 180, Enero 1988, Boixareu Editores, pp. 25-34.