D.B. Hume, C.W. Chou, D.R. Leibrandt, M.J. Thorpe, D.J. Wineland, and T. Rosenband, "Trapped-Ion State Detection through Coherent Motion," Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 243902 (2011)
C. Chou, D.B. Hume, M.J. Thorpe, D.J. Wineland, and T. Rosenband, "Quantum coherence between two atoms beyond Q=1015," Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 160801 (2011). PDF file
C.W. Chou, D. Hume, T. Rosenband, and D.J. Wineland, "Optical Clocks and Relativity," Science 329, 1630 (2010).
C.W Chou, D. Hume, J.C.J. Koelemeij, D.J. Wineland, and T. Rosenband, "Frequency Comparison of Two High-Accuracy Al+ Optical Clocks," Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 070802 (2010).
D. Hume, C.W. Chou, T. Rosenband, and D.J. Wineland, "Preparation of Dicke states in an ion chain," Phys. Rev. A. 80, 052302 (2009).
W.M. Itano, J.C. Bergquist, T. Rosenband, D.J. Wineland, D. Hume, C.W. Chou, S.R. Jefferts, T.P. Heavner, T.E. Parker, S.A. Diddams, and T. Fortier, "Frequency Measurements of Al+ and Hg+ Optical Standards," Proc. 2009 ICOLS Conf. 117 (2009).
T. Rosenband, D.B. Hume, C.W. Chou, J.C. Koelemeij, A. Brusch, S. Bickman, T.M. Fortier, J.E. Stalnaker, S.A. Diddams, N.R. Newbury, W.C. Swann, W.M. Itano, D.J. Wineland, and J.C. Bergquist, "Alpha-Dot or Not: Comparison of Two Single Atom Optical Clocks," Proc. 2008 Symp. Freq. Stds. Metrology 20 (2008).
L. Lorini, N. Ashby, A. Brusch, S. Diddams, R. Drullinger, E. Eason, T.Fortier, P. Hastings, T. Heavner, D. Hume, W. Itano, S. Jefferts, N. Newbury, T. Parker, T. Rosenband, J. Stalnaker, W. Swann, D. Wineland, and J. Bergquist, "Recent atomic clock comparisons at NIST," Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics163, 19-35 (2008).
W.M. Itano, T. Rosenband, D.B. Hume, P.O. Schmidt, C.W. Chou, A. Brusch, L. Lorini, W.H. Oskay, R.E. Drullinger, S. Bickman, T.M. Fortier, J.E. Stalnaker, S.A. Diddams, W.C. Swann, N.R. Newbury, D.J. Wineland, and J.C. Bergquist, "Ratio of the Al+ and Hg+ Optical Clock Frequencies to 17 Decimal Places," Proc. International Symposium on the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology (World Scientific, in press)
T. Rosenband, D. B. Hume, P. O. Schmidt, C. W. Chou, A. Brusch, L. Lorini, W. H. Oskay, R. E. Drullinger, T. M. Fortier, J. E. Stalnaker, S. A. Diddams, W. C. Swann, N. R. Newbury, W. M. Itano, D. J. Wineland, and J. C. Bergquist, "Frequency ratio of Al+ and Hg+ single-ion optical clocks; Metrology at the 17th decimal place," Science 319, 1808 - 1812 (2008).
T. Rosenband, D. B. Hume, A. Brusch, L. Lorini, P. O. Schmidt, T. M. Fortier, J. E. Stalnaker, S. A. Diddams, N. R. Newbury, W. C. Swann, W. H. Oskay, W. M. Itano, D. J. Wineland, and J. C. Bergquist, "Frequency comparison of Al+ and Hg+ optical standards," in Laser Spectroscopy, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference (ICOLS 2007), edited by L. Hollberg, J. Bergquist, and M. Kasevich (World Scientific, Singapore 2008) p. 297 - 302.
D. B. Hume, T. Rosenband, and D. J. Wineland, "High-fidelity adaptive qubit detection through repetitive quantum nondemolition measurements," Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 120502-1 - 120502-4 (2007).
T. Rosenband, P. O. Schmidt, D. B. Hume, W. M. Itano, T. M. Fortier, J. E. Stalnaker, K. Kim, S. A. Diddams, J. C. J. Koelemeij, J. C. Bergquist, and D. J. Wineland, "Observation of the 1S0 to 3P0 clock transition in 27Al+," Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 220801-1 - 220801-4 (2007).
D. J. Wineland, D. Leibfried, J. C. Bergquist, R. B. Blakestad, J. J. Bollinger, J. Britton, J. Chiaverini, R. J. Epstein, D. B. Hume, W. M. Itano, J. D. Jost, M. Knill, J. C. J. Koelemeij, C. Langer, R. Ozeri, R. Reichle, T. Rosenband, T. Schaetz, P. O. Schmidt, S. Seidelin, N. Shiga, and J. H. Wesenberg, "Trapped atomic ions and quantum information processing," in Atomic Physics 20, Proceedings of the International Conference (ICAP 2006), Innsbruck, Austria, 16-21 July 2006, edited by C. Roos, H. Haffner, and R. Blatt, AIP COnf. Proc. 869 (American Institute of Physics, 2006) p. 103 - 110.
T. Rosenband, W. M. Itano, P. O. Schmidt, D. B. Hume, J. C. J. Koelemeij, J. C. Bergquist, and D. J. Wineland, "Blackbody radiation shift of the 27Al+1S0 to 3P0 transition," in Proceedings of the 20th European Time and Frequency Forum, 2006, p. 289-291.
P. O. Schmidt, T. Rosenband, J. C. J. Koelemeij, D. B. Hume, W. M. Itano, J. C. Bergquist, and D. J. Wineland, "Spectroscopy of atomic and molecular ions using quantum logic," in Non-Neutral Plasma Physics VI, Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas 2006, edited by M. Drewsen, U Uggerhoj, and H. Knudsen, AIP Conf. Proc. 862 (American Institute of Physics, 2006), p. 305 - 312.
P. O. Schmidt, T. Rosenband, C. Langer, W. M. Itano, J. C. Bergquist, and D. J. Wineland, "Spectroscopy using quantum logic," Science 309, 749-752 (2005).
T. Rosenband, P. O. Schmidt, J. C. J. Koelemeij, W. M. Itano, Y. Kobayashi, T. M. Fortier, S. A. Diddams, and D. J. Wineland, "Spectroscopy of a single Al+ ion via coupling to Be+," in 2005 Digest of the LEOS Summer Topical Meetings (2005), p. 103.
W.H. Oskay, A. Bartels, S.A. Diddams, C.W. Oates, G. Wilpers, L. Hollberg, D.J. Wineland, W.M. Itano, C.E. Tanner, and J.C. Bergquist, "The mercury-ion optical clock: Towards a measurement of the quadrupole shift," Proc. 18th European Frequency and Time Forum, (CDROM), (2004) 4p.
U. Tanaka, S. Bize, C. E. Tanner, R. E. Drullinger, S. A. Diddams, L. Hollberg, W. M. Itano, D. J. Wineland, and J. C. Bergquist, "The 199Hg+ single ion optical clock: recent progress," J. Phys. B 36, 545-551 (2003).
D. J. Wineland, J. C. Bergquist, T. Rosenband, P. O. Schmidt, W. M. Itano, J. J. Bollinger, D. Leibfried, and W. H. Oskay, "Ion optical clocks and quantum information processing," Proc. 2003 Joint Meeting IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and EFTF Conference, 68-71 (2003).
U. Tanaka, J. C. Bergquist, S. Bize, S. A. Diddams, R. E. Drullinger, L. Hollberg, W. M. Itano, C. E. Tanner, and D. J. Wineland, "Optical frequency standards based on the 199Hg+ ion," IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 52, 245-249 (2003).
D. J. Wineland, J. C. Bergquist, J. J. Bollinger, R. E. Drullinger, and W. M. Itano, "Quantum computers and atomic clocks," Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Edited by P. Gill (World Scientific, Singapore, 2002), p. 361-368.
J. C. Bergquist, U. Tanaka, R. E. Drullinger, W. M. Itano, D. J. WIneland, S. A. Diddams, L. Hollberg, E. A. Curtis, C. W. Oates and Th. Udem, "A mercury-ion optical clock," Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Edited by P. Gill (World Scientific, Singapore, 2002), p. 99-105.
S. A. Diddams, Th. Udem, K. R. Vogel, L.-S. Ma, L. Robertsson, C. W. Oates, E. A. Curtis, W. M. Itano, R. E. Drullinger, D. J. Wineland, J. C. Bergquist, and L. Hollberg, "A femtosecond-laser-based optical clockwork," Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Edited by P. Gill (World Scientific, Singapore, 2002), p. 419-426.
J. C. Bergquist, S. A. Diddams, C. W. Oates, E. A. Curtis, L. Hollberg, R. E. Drullinger, W. M. Itano, D. J. Wineland, and Rh. Udem, "A single 199Hg+ ion optical clock," in Laser Spectroscopy, Proceedings of the XV International Conference, Snowbird, Utah, 10-15 June 2001, edited by S. Chu, V. Vuletic, A. J. Kerman, and C. Chin (World Scientific, 2002) p. 106-114.
J.C. Bergquist, S. R. Jefferts, and D. J. Wineland,"Time measurement at the millennium," Physics Today 54, 37-42 (March 2001)
J.C. Bergquist, R.J. Rafac, B.C. Young, J.A. Beall, W.M. Itano, and D.J. Wineland, "Sub-dekahertz spectroscopy of 199Hg+," Proc. SPIE, 4269, 1-7 (2001) edited by J. L. Hall and J. Ye.
L. Hollberg, C.W. Oates, E.A. Curtis, E.N. Ivanov, S.A. Diddams, Th. Udem, H.G. Robinson, J.C. Bergquist, W.M. Itano, R.E. Drullinger, and D.J. Wineland, "Optical Frequency Standards and Measurements," IEEE J. Quantum Electronics 37, 1502-1513 (2001).
D.B. Sullivan, J.C. Bergquist, R.E. Drullinger, W.M. Itano, S.R. Jefferts, W.D. Lee, D.M. Meekhof, T.E. Parker, F.L. Walls, and D.J. Wineland, "Primary Atomic Frequency Standards at NIST," NIST J. of Research 106, 47-63 (2001).
R.J. Rafac, B.C. Young, J.A.Beall, W.M. Itano, D.J. Wineland, and J.C. Bergquist, "Sub-dekahertz ultraviolet spectroscopy of 199 Hg+," Phys. Rev. Lett.85, 2462 (2000).
B. C. Young, R. J. Rafac, J. A. Beall, F. C. Cruz, W. M. Itano, D. J. Wineland, and J. C. Bergquist, "Hg+ optical frequency standard: Recent progress" in Laser Spectroscopy, proceedings of the XIV International Conference, edited by R. Blatt, J. Eschner, D. Leibfried, and F. Schmidt-Kaler (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999) p. 61-70.
R.J. Rafac, B.C. Young, F.C. Cruz, J.A. Beall, J.C. Bergquist, W.M. Itano, and D.J. Wineland, "199Hg+ Optical Frequency Standard: Progress Report," Proc. Joint Mtg. 13th European Frequency and Time Forum and 1999 IEEE Int. Freq. Cont. Symp. (Besancon, France), 676-681. D.J. Berkeland, J.D. Miller, F.C. Cruz, B.C. Young, R.J. Rafac, X.-P. Huang, W.M. Itano, J.C. Bergquist, and D.J. Wineland, "High-resolution, high-accuracy spectroscopy of trapped ions," in Atomic Physics 16, proceedings of the International Conference, edited by W.E. Baylis and G.W.F. Drake, (AIP Press, 1999), pp. 29-41.
D. J. Berkeland, J. D. Miller, F. C. Cruz, B. C. Young, J. C. Bergquist, W. M. Itano, and D. J. Wineland, "High-accuracy microwave and optical frequency standards using laser-cooled Hg+ ions," Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. on Modern Problems of Laser Physics, edited by S. N. Bagayev and V. I. Denisov, Laser Physics 8, 673-678 (1998).
D.J. Berkeland, J.C. Bergquist, W.M. Itano, J.D. Miller, B.C. Young, and D.J. Wineland, " High-Performance Trapped Hg+ Frequency Standards," CPEM '98 Digest (Washington DC, USA), 321-322.
B.C. Young, D.J. Berkeland, F.C. Cruz, J.C. Bergquist, W.M. Itano, and D.J. Wineland, "Lasers for a Trapped Hg+ Optical Frequency Standard," CPEM '98 Digest (Washington DC, USA), 153-154.
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D.J. Berkeland, J.D. Miller, B.C. Young, J.C. Bergquist, W.M. Itano, and D.J. Wineland, "High-accuracy frequency standards using laser-cooled Hg+ions," Methods for Ultrasensitive detection, edited by B.L. Fearey, SPIE Conf. Proc. 3270 pp. 138-146 (1998).
D.J. Berkeland, J.D. Miller, J.C. Bergquist, W.M. Itano, and D.J. Wineland, "Minimization of ion micromotion in a Paul trap," J. Appl. Phys. 83, 5025 (1998).
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J.J. Bollinger, J.D. Prestage, W.M. Itano, and D.J. Wineland, "Laser-Cooled-Atomic Frequency Standard," Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 1000-1003 (1995).
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J.J. Bollinger, D.J. Wineland, W.M. Itano, and D.J. Heinzen, "Spin Squeezing Applied to Frequency Standards," Proc. Fifth Symp. on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Woods Hole, MA, Oct. 16-19, pp.107-113 (1995).
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J.C. Bergquist, W.M. Itano, F. Elsner, M.G. Raizen, and D.J. Wineland, "Single Ion Optical Spectroscopy," Proc. Light Induced Kinetic Effects on Atoms, Ions and Molecules Workshop (LIKE), Elba Island, Italy, May 2-5, pp. 291-299 (1990).
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J.J. Bollinger, S.L. Gilbert, W.M. Itano, and D.J. Wineland, "Frequency Standards Utilizing Penning Traps," Proc. 4th Symp. on Frequency Standards and Metrology, A. DeMarchi, ed. (Springer-Verlag) Ancona, Italy, September 5-9, pp. 319-325 (1988).
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