Avoidance of Autophagy Mediated by PlcA or ActA Is Required for Listeria monocytogenes Growth in Macrophages.
Mitchell G, Ge L, Huang Q, Chen C, Kianian S, Roberts MF, Schekman R, Portnoy DA.
Infect Immun. 2015 May;83(5):2175-84.
The ER-Golgi intermediate compartment feeds the phagophore membrane.
Ge L, Schekman R.
Autophagy. 2014 Jan;10(1):170-2.
Regulated oligomerization induces uptake of a membrane protein into COPII vesicles independent of its cytosolic tail.
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Endoplasmic reticulum stress-activated transcription factor ATF6α requires the disulfide isomerase PDIA5 to modulate chemoresistance.
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The protein-vesicle network of autophagy.
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Peroxisomes are juxtaposed to strategic sites on mitochondria.
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Protein Sorting at the trans-Golgi Network.
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Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and COPII generate LC3 lipidation vesicles from the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment.
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Elife. 2014 Nov 28;3:e04135.
Guo Y, Zanetti G, Schekman R.
A novel GTP-binding protein-adaptor protein complex responsible for export of Vangl2 from the trans Golgi network. Elife. 2013;2:e00160.
Jakobsen MK, Cheng Z, Lam SK, Roth-Johnson E, Barfield RM, Schekman R.
Phosphorylation of Chs2p regulates interaction with COPII. J Cell Sci. 2013 May 15;126(Pt 10):2151-6.
Chen XW, Wang H, Bajaj K, Zhang P, Meng ZX, Ma D, Bai Y, Liu HH, Adams E, Baines A, Yu G, Sartor MA, Zhang B, Yi Z, Lin J, Young SG, Schekman R, Ginsburg D.
SEC24A deficiency lowers plasma cholesterol through reduced PCSK9 secretion. Elife. 2013 Apr 9;2:e00444
Dimitrov L, Lam SK, Schekman R.
The role of the endoplasmic reticulum in peroxisome biogenesis. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2013 May 1;5(5):a013243.
Lee BL, Moon JE, Shu JH, Yuan L, Newman ZR, Schekman R, Barton GM.
UNC93B1 mediates differential trafficking of endosomal TLRs. Elife. 2013;2:e00291.
Zhang M, Schekman R.
Cell biology. Unconventional secretion, unconventional solutions. Science. 2013 May 3;340(6132):559-61.
Miller EA, Schekman R.
COPII - a flexible vesicle formation system. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2013 Aug;25(4):420-7.
Ge L, Melville D, Zhang M, Schekman R.
The ER-Golgi intermediate compartment is a key membrane source for the LC3 lipidation step of autophagosome biogenesis. Elife. 2013 Aug 6;2:e00947.
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Discovery of the cellular and molecular basis of cholesterol control. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Sep 10;110(37):14833-6.
Zanetti G, Prinz S, Daum S, Meister A, Schekman R, Bacia K, Briggs JA.
The structure of the COPII transport-vesicle coat assembled on membranes. Elife. 2013 Sep 17;2:e00951.
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ALG-2 Attenuates COPII Budding In Vitro and Stabilizes the Sec23/Sec31A Complex. PLoS One. 2013 Sep 19;8(9):e75309.
Jin L, Pahuja KB, Wickliffe KE, Gorur A, Baumgärtel C, Schekman R, Rape M.
Ubiquitin-dependent regulation of COPII coat size and function. Nature 482, 495-500 (2012).
Kim SD, Pahuja KB, Ravazzola M, Yoon J, Boyadjiev SA, Hamamoto S, Schekman R, Orci L, Kim J.
SEC23-SEC31 interface plays critical role for export of procollagen from the endoplasmic reticulum. J. Biol. Chem. 287, 10134-44 (2012).
Choy RW, Cheng Z, Schekman R.
Amyloid precursor protein (APP) traffics from the cell surface via endosomes for amyloid beta production in the trans-Golgi network. PNAS 109, E2077-82 (2012).
Starr TL, Pagant S, Wang CW, Schekman R.
Sorting signals that mediate traffic of chitin synthase III between the TGN/endosomes and to the plasma membrane in yeast. PLoS One. 7(10):e46386 (2012).
Zanetti G, Pahuja KB, Studer S, Shim S, Schekman R.
COPII and the regulation of protein sorting in mammals. Nat Cell Biology 14, 20-28 (2011).
Jin Y, Sultana A, Gandhi P, Franklin E, Hamamoto S, Khan AR, Munson M, Schekman R, Weisman LS.
Myosin V transports secretory vesicles via a Rab GTPase cascade and interaction with the exocyst complex. Dev Cell 21, 1156-70 (2011).
Kung LF, Pagant S, Futai E, D'Arcangelo JG, Buchanan R, Dittmar JC, Reid RJ, Rothstein R, Hamamoto S, Snapp EL, Schekman R, Miller EA.
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Zhang B, Zheng C, Zhu M, Tao J, Vasievich MP, Baines A, Kim J, Schekman R, Kaufman RJ, Ginsburg D.
Mice deficient in LMAN1 exhibit FV and FVIII deficiencies and liver accumulation of alpha1-antitrypsin. Blood 118, 3384-91 (2011).
Rothman JE, Schekman R.
Molecular mechanism of protein folding in the cell. Cell 146, 851-854 (2011).
Bacia K, Futai E, Prinz S, Meister A, Daum S, Glatte D, Briggs JA, Schekman R.
Multibudded tubules formed by COPII on artificial liposomes. Scientific Reports 1, 17 (2011).
Merte J, Jensen D, Wright K, Sarsfield S, Wang Y, Schekman R, Ginty DD.
Sec24b selectively sorts Vangl2 to regulate planar cell polarity during neural tube closure. Nat Cell Biol 12, 41-6 (2010).
Lam SK, Yoda N, Schekman R.
A vesicle carrier that mediates peroxisome protein traffic from the endoplasmic reticulum. PNAS 107, 21523-8 (2010).
Boyadjiev S, Kim SD, Hata A, Haldeman-Englert C, Zackai E, Naydenov C, Hamamoto S, Schekman R, Kim J.
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Schekman R.
Charting the secretory pathway in a simple eukaryote. Mol Biol Cell 22, 3781-4 (2010).
Saito K, Chen M, Bard F, Chen S, Zhou H, Woodley D, Polischuk R, Schekman R, Malhotra V.
TANGO1: a unique cargo packer at Endoplasmic Reticulum exit sites. Cell 136, 891-902 (2009).
Tran, JH, Ching-Jen C., Emr, S., and Schekman R.
Cargo sorting into multivesicular bodies in vitro. PNAS 106, 17395-400 (2009).
Schindler, A and Schekman, R.
In vitro reconstitution of ER-stress induced ATF6 transport in COPII vesicles. PNAS 106, 17775-80 (2009).
Robyn M. Barfield, J. Christopher Fromme, and Randy Schekman.
The exomer coat complex transports Fus1p to the plasma membrane via a novel plasma membrane sorting signal in yeast. Mol Biol Cell 20, 4985-96 (2009).
Schekman, R.
Change is good: life outside the nucleus. Nature Cell Biology 11, 1274 (2009).
Fromme, J. C., Orci, L. and Schekman, R.
Coordination of COPII vesicle trafficking by Sec23. Trends Cell Biol. 18, 330-337 (2008).
Wickner, William, and Schekman, Randy
Membrane fusion. Nature Struc. & Mol. Biol. 15, 658-664 (2008).
Scott, Daniel C., and Schekman, Randy
Role of Sec61p in the ER-associated degradation of short-lived transmembrane proteins. J. Cell Biol. 181, 1095-1105 (2008).
Schekman, R.
George E. Palade (1912-2008). Science 322, 695 (2008).
Kim J, Kleizen B, Choy R, Thinakaran G, Sisodia SS, Schekman R.
Biogenesis of gamma-secretase early in the secretory pathway. J. Cell Biol. 179, 951-963 (2007).
Fromme JC, Ravazzola M, Hamamoto S, Al-Balwi M, Eyaid W, Boyadjiev SA, Cosson P, Schekman R, Orci L.
The genetic basis of a craniofacial disease provides insight into COPII coat assembly. Dev. Cell 13, 623-634 (2007).
Kim J, Thanabalasuriar A, Chaworth-Musters T, Fromme JC, Frey EA, Lario PI, Metalnikov P, Rizg K, Thomas NA, Lee SF, Hartland EL, Hardwidge PR, Pawson T, Strynadka NC, Finlay BB, Schekman R, Gruenheid S.
The Bacterial Virulence Factor NleA Inhibits Cellular Protein Secretion by Disrupting Mammalian COPII Function. Cell Host and Microbe 2, 160-171 (2007).
Harsay, E., and Schekman, R. Avl9p, a Member of a Novel Protein Superfamily, Functions in the Late Secretory Pathway. Mol. Biol. Cell. 18(4), 1203-19 (2007).
Copic, A., Starr, T., and Schekman, R.
Ent3p and Ent5p Exhibit Cargo-specific Functions in Trafficking Proteins between the Trans-Golgi Network and the Endosomes in Yeast. Mol. Biol. Cell. 18(5), 1803-15 (2007).
Schekman, R.
The nine lives of Daniel E. Koshland, Jr. (1920–2007). PNAS 104, 14551–14552 (2007).
Schekman, R.
Arthur Kornberg 1918–2007. Cell 131, 637-639 (2007).
Boyadjiev SA, Fromme JC, Ben J, Chong SS, Nauta C, Hur DJ, Zhang G, Hamamoto S, Schekman R, Ravazzola M, Orci L, Eyaid W.
Cranio-lenticulo-sutural dysplasia is caused by a SEC23A mutation leading to abnormal ER-to-Golgi trafficking. Nature Genetics 38(10), 1192-1197 (2006).
Wang, C. W., Hamamoto, S., Orci, L., and Schekman, R.
Exomer: a coat complex for transport of select membrane proteins from the trans-Golgi network to the plasma membrane in yeast. J. Cell Biol. 174(7), 973-983 (2006).
Sanchatjate, S., and Schekman, R.
Chs5/6 Complex: A Multi-Protein Complex That Interacts with and Conveys Chitin Synthase III from the Trans-Golgi Network to the Cell Surface. Mol. Biol. Cell. 17(10), 4157-4166 (2006).
Bucci, M.
Randy Schekman. Nature Chemical Biology 2, 568 (2006).
Lee, M.C.S., Orci, L., Hamamoto, S., Futai, E., Ravazzola, M., and Schekman, R.
Sar1p N-terminal helix initiates membrane curvature and completes the fission of a COPII vesicle. Cell 122, 605-617 (2005).
Miller, E. A., Liu, Y., Barlowe, C., and Schekman, R.
ER-Golgi transport defects are associated with mutations in the Sed5p-binding domain of the COPII coat subunit, Sec24p. Mol. Biol. Cell. 16, 3719-3726 (2005).
Fromme, J.C., and Schekman, R.
COPII-coated vesicles: flexible enough for large cargo? Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 17, 345-352 (2005).
Schekman, R.
Peroxisomes: another branch of the secretory pathway? Cell 122, 1-2 (2005).
Futai, E., and Schekman, R.
Purification and functional properties of Sec12 GEF. Meth Enzymol. 404, 74-82 (2005).
Wickner, William and Schekman, Randy.
Protein translocation across biological membranes. Science 310, 1452-1456 (2005).
Schekman, R.
Membrane traffic in landmark papers in yeast biology, a chapter in Landmark Papers. Cold Spring Harbor Press (Eds. P. Linder, D. Shore and M. Hall) pgs. 243-252 (2005).
Kim, Jinoh, Hamamoto, Susan, Ravazzola, Mariella, Orci, Lelio, and Schekman, Randy.
Uncoupled packaging of amyloid precursor protein and presenilin 1 into COPII vesicles. J. Biol. Chem. 280, 7758-7768 (2004).
Sun, Yidi, Kaksonen, Marko, Madden, David T., Schekman, Randy, and Drubin, David G.
Interaction of Sla2p's ANTH domain with PtdIns(4,5)P2 is important for actin-dependent endocytic internalization. Mol. Biol. Cell 16, 717-730 (2004).
Malkus, Per, Graham, L. A., Stevens, T. H., and Schekman, Randy.
Role of Vma21p in assembly and transport of the yeast vacuolar ATPase. Mol. Biol. Cell 15, 5075-5091 (2004).
Futai, Eugene, Hamamoto, Susan, Orci, Lelio and Schekman, Randy. GTP/GDP exchange by Sec12p enables COPII vesicle bud formation on synthetic liposomes. EMBO J. 23, 4286-4296 (2004).
Schekman, Randy.
A channel for protein waste. Nature 429, 817-818 (2004).
Schekman, Randy.
Merging cultures in the study of membrane traffic. Nature Cell Biol. 6, 483-486 (2004).
Lee, Marcus C. S., Miller, E. A., Goldberg, J., Orci, L., and Schekman, Randy.
Bi-directional protein transport between the ER and Golgi. Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 20, 87-123 (2004).
Kim, Jinoh, and Schekman, Randy.
The ins and outs of presenilin 1 membrane topology. PNAS 101, 905-906 (2004).
Lee, Marcus C. S., and Schekman, R.
BAR domains go on a bender. Science 303, 479-480 (2004).
Schekman, Randy, and Novick, Peter.
23 genes, 23 years later. Cell S116, S13-S15 (2004).
Antonny, B., Gounon, P., Schekman, R., and Orci, L.
Self-assembly of minimal COPII cages. EMBO Reports 4, 419-424 (2003).
Valdivia, R., and Schekman, R.
The yeast Rho1p and Pkc1p regulate the transport of chitin synthase III (Chs3p) from internal stores to the plasma membrane. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100,10287-10292 (2003).
Miller, E., Beilharz, T. H., Malkus, P. N., Lee, M.C.S., Hamamoto, S., Orci, L., and Schekman, R.
Multiple cargo binding sites on the COPII subunit Sec24p ensure capture of diverse membrane proteins into transport vesicles. Cell 114, 1-20 (2003).
Harsay, E., and Schekman, R.
A subset of yeast vacuolar protein sorting mutants are blocked in one branch of the exocytic pathway. J. Cell Biol. 156, 271-286 (2002).
Valdivia, R. H., Baggott, D., Chuang, J. S., and Schekman, R. W.
The yeast clathrin adaptor protein complex-1 is required for the efficient retention of a subset of late-Golgi membrane proteins. Dev. Cell 2, 283-294 (2002).
Marcus C.S. Lee, Susan Hamamoto, and Randy Schekman
Ceramide biosynthesis is required for the formation of oligomeric H+-ATPase, Pma1p, in the yeast endoplasmic reticulum. J. Biol. Chem., 277, 22395-22401 (2002).
Shimoni, Y., and Schekman, R.
Vesicle budding from the ER. Meth. Enzymol. 351, 258-278 (2002).
Supek, F., Madden, D. T., Hamamoto, S., Orci, L., and Schekman, R.
Sec16p potentiates the action of COPII proteins to bud transport vesicles. J. Cell Biol. 158, 1029-1038 (2002).
Miller, E., Antonny, B., Hamamoto, S., and Schekman, R.
Cargo selection into COPII vesicles is driven by the Sec24p subunit. EMBO J. 21, 6105-6113 (2002).
Schekman, R.
SEC mutants and the secretory apparatus. Nature Medicine 8, 1055-1058 (2002).
Deloche, O., and Schekman, R. W.
Vps10p cycles between the TGN and the late endosome via the plasma membrane in clathrin mutants. Mol. Biol. Cell 13, 4296-4307 (2002).
Malkus, P., Jiang, F., and Schekman, R.
Concentrative sorting of secretory cargo proteins into COPII-coated vesicles. J. Cell Biol. 159, 915-921 (2002).
Deloche O, Yeung BG, Payne GS, Schekman R.
Vps10p Transport from the trans-Golgi Network to the Endosome Is Mediated by Clathrin-coated Vesicles. Mol Biol Cell. 12, 475-485 (2001).
Spang, A., Herrmann, J. M., Hamamoto, S., and Schekman, R.
The ADP ribosylation factor-nucleotide exchange factors Gea1p and Gea2p have overlapping, but not redundant functions in retrograde transport from the Golgi to the endoplasmic reticulum. Mol. Biol. Cell 12, 1035-1045 (2001).
Antonny, B., Madden, D., Hamamoto, S., Orci, L., and Schekman, R.
Dynamics of the COPII coat with GTP and stable analogues. Nature Cell Biol. 3, 531-537 (2001).
Antonny, B., and Schekman, R.
ER export: Public transportation by the COPII coach. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 13, 438-443 (2001).
Lederkremer, G. Z., Cheng, Y., Petre, B. V., Vogan, E., Springer, S., Schekman, R., Walz, T., and Kirchhausen, T.
Structure of the Sec23p/24p and Sec13p/31p complexes of COPII. PNAS 98, 10704-10709 (2001).
Matsuoka, K., Schekman, R., Orci, L., and Heuser, J.
Surface structure of the COPII-coated vesicle. PNAS 98, 13705-13709 (2001).