Minaya, M., Medina, C.E, Vallejos, A.A.,Marquez, ML, Pontigo, A.P., Islas, H., y Maupome, G. (2012). Gingival recession and associated factors in a homogeneous Mexican adult male population: A cross-sectional study, Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal,, 17(1), e807-e813. doi:10.4317/medoral.17815
"Background: Diverse variables are implicated in the pathogenesis of gingival recession; more detailed knowledge about the relationship between the clinical presentation of gingival recession and assorted risk indicators may lead to improved patient monitoring, early intervention, and subsequent prevention. The objective was to evaluate clinically gingival recession in a homogeneous Mexican adult male population and to determine the strength of association with related factors.Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a largely homogeneous group in terms of ethnic background, socioeconomic status, gender, occupation, and medical/dental insurance, in Campeche, Mexico. Periodontal examinationswere undertaken to determine diverse clinical dental variables. All periodontal clinical examinations were assessed using the Florida Probe System, a dental chair and one examiner. Questionnaires were used to collectdiverse risk indicators. Statistical analyses were undertaken with negative binomial regression models.Results: The mean number of sites with gingival recession per subject was 6.735.81; the prevalence was 87.6%. In the negative binomial regression model we observed that for (i) each year of age, and (ii) each percentage unit of increase in sites with plaque, and (iii) with suppuration, mean sites with gingival recession increased 2.9%, 1.0% and 13.0%, respectively. Having a spouse was associated with gingival recession.Conclusions: We observed association between gingival recession, and sociodemographic and clinical parameters.Patients need to be educated about risk indicators for gingival recession as well as the preventive maneuvers that may be implemented to minimize its occurrence. The potential of improved oral self-care to prevent a largely benign condition such as gingival recession is important, given the associated disorders that may ensue root exposure,such as root caries and root hypersensitivity."
Perfil epidemiológico de la caries dental y enfermedad periodontal, en Nicaragua año 2005
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Diagnósticos quirúrgicos de cirugía bucal
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Políticas de salud bucal en México: Disminuir las principales enfermedades. Una descripción
Household Expenditure in Dental Health Care: National Estimations in Mexico for 2000, 2002, and 2004