P. Miranda-Romagnoli, N. Hernéndez-Romero, J.C. Seck-Tuoh-Mora, A Fuzzy Control for Optimizing the Design of Passive Electrical Cricuits, LASCAS, 2010. Preprinted
This paper exposes a fuzzy control to determine independent parameters of a passive circuit in order to obtain a desired output established by the design requirements. This is achieved using a vector representation of the circuit and varying the independent parameters by a fuzzy control based on threeinference rules according to the output voltage. An analysis about the behavior of the control is explained and some examples of this procedure are depicted.
Fluido magneto reológico bajo perturbaciones magnéticas
A Proposal to Extend Duality in String Theory in Three Dimensions
5D gravitational waves from complexified black rings
Sobre las dimensiones extras espaciales
A Fuzzy Control for Optimizing the Design of Passive Electrical Circuits
Efectos De Una Interacción No Conmutativa En La Radiación De Hawking