7512: Moctezuma, R. E., Arauz-Lara, J. L., & Donado, F. (2018). Structural characterization of a magnetic granular system under a time-dependent magnetic field: Voronoi tessellation and multifractal analysis. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.
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7513: Donado, F., Moctezuma, R. E., López-Flores, L., Medina-Noyola, M., & Arauz-Lara, J. L. (2017). Brownian motion in non-equilibrium systems and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic process. Scientific reports, 7, 12614.
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7514: Tapia-Ignacio, C., Garcia-Serrano, J., & Donado, F. (2016). Nonvibrating granular model for a glass-forming liquid: Equilibration and aging. Physical Review E, 94(6), 062902.
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7515: Yépez, L. D., Carrillo, J. L., Donado, F., Sausedo-Solorio, J. M., & Miranda-Romagnoli, P. (2016). Dynamical pattern formation in a low-concentration magnetorheological fluid under two orthogonal sinusoidal fields. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 408, 321-329.
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7516: Moctezuma, R. E., Arauz-Lara, J. L., & Donado, F. (2014). Multifractality in dilute magnetorheological fluids under an oscillating magnetic field. Physical Review E, 90(6), 062303.
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Artículo Arbitrado
7519: Donado, F., Miranda-Romagnoli, P., & Agustín-Serrano, R. (2013). Phenomenological model for yield stress based on the distribution of chain lengths in a dilute magnetorheological fluid under an oscillatory magnetic field. Revista mexicana de física, 59(2), 131-140.
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7517: Moctezuma, R. E., Donado, F., & Arauz-Lara, J. L. (2013). Lateral aggregation induced by magnetic perturbations in a magnetorheological fluid based on non-Brownian particles. Physical Review E, 88(3), 032305.
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7518: Agustín-Serrano, R., Donado, F., & Rubio-Rosas, E. (2013). Magnetorheological fluid based on submicrometric silica-coated magnetite particles under an oscillatory magnetic field. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 335, 149-158.
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7520: De la Calleja Mora, E. M., Carrillo, J. L., Mendoza, M. E., & Donado, F. (2013). Structural transformations in magnetorheological slurries induced by perturbations. The European Physical Journal B, 86(4), 126.
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7521: De la Calleja, E. M., Carrillo, J. L., & Donado, F. (2012). Structure and physical properties of magneto-rheological slurries under perturbation. Revista Mexicana de Física, 58(1), 54-57.
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7367: A.U. Abeysekara et al., The 2HWC HAWC Observatory Gamma-Ray Catalog (2017) The Astrophysical Journal. Vol. 843, No. 1, pp. 39-XX, June 2017
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