Producción Científica Profesorado

Análisis Morfológico de Huevos de Triatoma barberi Usinger

Imbert Palafox, José Luis


Evangelista-Martínez Z, Imbert-Palafox JL, Becerril-Flores MA, Gómez-Gómez JV. Morphologic analysis of eggs of Triatoma barberi Usinger (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) Neotrop Entomol. 2010;39:207-13. ISSN: 1519-566X


Triatoma barberi Usinger is a widely recognized vector of the protozoa Trypanosomacruzi. The determination of its presence in the rural houses is made by direct observation of adults,nymphs, exuviae or eggs. For this reason, egg structural characteristics could facilitate the differentiationand identifi cation of species that inhabit such environments. In here, the morphologic characteristicsof eggs of T. barberi are described and analyzed with special attention to the anterior pole of the egg.The structural analysis of eggs by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed the presence of a wideand rough chorion edge, which contain aeropyles and micropyles. A deep spermatic canal between theendochorion and exochorion, and a trabecular network in the interior were also observed. The operculumshowed cells with irregular growth and undefi ned polygonal shape. Externally, the operculum cells formstwo rings of projections that surround a single extension located to the center. The cellular projectionsresemble respiratory horns, although the presence of aeropyles was not observed. The chorion structuralcharacteristics can help to identify and separate close species in the Triatominae subfamily.

Producto de Investigación UAEH

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