A. Personal Statement
Dr. Cupertino is an Associate Professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Center and is fluent in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Dr. Cupertino has important experience in multidisciplinary cancer prevention research involving community-based studies, prospective and retrospective research design and methodology, minority recruitment and human subjects’ protection, data management, research staff training and supervision, and responsibility for all aspects of research implementation. In the past 10 years she has had the opportunity to mentor several undergraduate, master, doctorate and post-doctorate students in Brazil and in the United States. She has also mentored Latino medical students and resident fellows in different clinical research projects. Dr. Cupertino’s faculty appointment at KUMC has been directly aligned with the Office of Cultural Enhancement and Diversity: 1) As part of the current COE she has developed and implemented the Summer Internship in Health Disparities Research program that has engaged 23 high school and college aged youth from under-represented communities in the Kansas City area. She developed and pilot tested a curriculum focused on health disparities research empowering high school and undergraduate students interested in health careers. Dr. Cupertino is the ideal PI for this project, given her commitment to education as a director of the JUNTOS Center for Advancing Latino Health, long-time teacher, and mentor for high school and medical students at KUMC. Dr. Cupertino will ultimately be in charge of implementing all aims of this project, including curriculum development, implementation, faculty and staff training, teachers’ professional development and S.C.O.R.E. young scholars program. IN partnership with co-investigators and research team, she will lead the development of the Community of Practice in health Science linking students, teachers and researchers, assist with special recruitment efforts, chair meetings, and coordinate HSC approval. She will convene and sustain the Educational Advisory Board.
B. Positions and Honors
Positions and Employment
1997-1999 - Research and Teaching Assistant, University of California, Davis
2001–2003 - Consultant for the Aging Council, City of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
2001–2004 - Visiting and Research Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
2002–2004 - Assistant Professor of Health Psychology, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
2005–2006 - Post-doctorate Fellow, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS
2006–2008 - Research Assistant Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS
2008-2013 - Assistant Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS
2012 - Present - Visiting Researcher at the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora.
2013 - Present - Associate Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS
Honors and Awards
08/96 – 01/01 - Brazilian Federal Fellowship for Doctoral Studies and Research in the United States, CAPES – Brazilian Federal Funding Agency
1998 - Student Research Award – Division 20 for Poster presented at the American, Title: Religiosity, emotional strain and health: The Caregiver Health Effects Study, San Francisco, CA
1998 - Student Excellence in Geriatrics and Gerontology – Center for Aging and Health, University of California
1999 - Student Award in Health Aging - Poster Session, Cupertino A P & Haan M M. Acculturation, Education, and Cognition among Elderly Latinos: Sacramento Area Latino Study on Aging (SALSA). Poster Presented at the Pan American Congress on Aging and Health, Texas.
2003 - Methodology Poster Award: Trajectories of Smoking Consumption and Mental Health in a Sample of Older Adults. Novaes C O, Cupertino A P, Domingos B H, Luz C C, Guedes D V, Coelho E R, Queiroz L R, Ferreira M & Granato J. VII International Conference on Smoking Cessation. Rio de Janeiro-Brazil.
2007 - Poster Award 2nd Place Award of Excellence, Professional Development Workshop, Gaithersburg, MD, NCI-Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities – Long-Term Engagement in Smoking Cessation Counseling among Rural Smokers
2008 - Certificate of Appreciation in Recognition of work done to enhance the diversity initiative at the University of Kansas Medical Center
2009 - KDHE Center for Health Disparities – Honorable award in recognition of work done to improve the health status of racial/ethnic populations in Kansas – Topeka, Kansas
2012 - Carlos F. Cortes, Humanitarian of the Year Award presented by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Kansas and Missouri.
2014 - Community Engagement Faculty Award for excellence in Developing Engaged Scholarship Initiatives, Kansas University Medical Center.
C. Selected peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order).
- Cupertino AP, Oliveira BH, Coelho ER, Guedes DV, Milano RS, Rubac JS, Sarkis SH. Stress and social support in childhood and adolescence related with depression symptoms in the elderly. Revista Reflexão e Crítica, Porto Alegre-BR. 2006;19(3):371-378.
- Batistoni SS, Neri AL, Cupertino AP. Validity of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale among Brazilian elderly. Rev Saude Publica. 2007 Aug;41(4):598-605. Portuguese. Not NIH funded
- Cupertino AP, Richter KP, Cox LS, Nazir N, Greiner KA, Ahluwalia JS, Ellerbeck EF. Smoking cessation pharmacotherapy preferences in rural primary care. Nicotine Tob Res. 2008 Feb;10(2):301-307. PMCID: PMC2821185
- Cupertino AP, Wick JA, Richter KP, Mussulman L, Nazir N, Ellerbeck EF. The impact of repeated cycles of pharmacotherapy on smoking cessation: a longitudinal cohort study. Arch Intern Med. 2009;169(20)1928-1930. PMCID: PMC2826277
- Batistoni SS, Neri AL, Cupertino AP. Prospective measures of depressive symptoms in community-dwelling elderly individuals. Rev Saude Publica. 2010 Dec;44(6):1137-1143. English, Portuguese. Not NIH Funded
- Watts J, Cowden JD, Cupertino AP, Dowd MD, Kennedy C. 911 (Nueve Once): Spanish-speaking parents’ perspectives on prehospital emergency care for children. J Immigr Minor Health. 2011 Jun;13(3):526-32. Not NIH Funded
- Cupertino AP, Cox LS, Garrett S, Suarez N, Sandt H, Mendoza I, Ellerbeck EF. Tobacco use and interest in smoking cessation among Latinos attending community health fairs. J Immigr Minor Health. 2011 Aug;13(4):719-24. Not NIH Funded
- Cox LS, Cupertino AP, Tercyak KP. Interest in participating in smoking cessation programs among Latino primary care patients. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 2011 Dec:18(4):392-9. PMCID: PMC3229918
- Hunt JJ, Cupertino AP, Garrett S, Friedmann PD, Richter KP. How is tobacco treatment provided during drug treatment? Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2012 Jan;42(1):4-15. Epub 2011 Aug 9. PMCID: PMC3223282
- León Salas A, Richter KP, Cupertino AP, Shireman TI. Participación y opiniones de farmacéuticos costarricenses en la cesación del uso del tabaco (Costa Rican pharmacists’ participation in and opinions on smoking cessation). Rev. Costarric Salud Pública, Jun 2012, vol.21, no.1, p.03-08. ISSN 1409-1429. Not NIH funded
- Cupertino AP, Berg CJ, Gajewski B, Hui SK, Richter K, Catley D, Ellerbeck E. Change in self-efficacy, autonomous and controlled motivation predicting smoking. Journal of Health Psychology. 2012 Jul;17(5):640-52. Epub 2011 Nov 10. PMCID: PMC3549683
- Swayampakala K, Thrasher J, Carpenter MJ, Shigematsu C, Cupertino AP, Berg CJ. Level of cigarette consumption and quit behavior in a population of low-intensity smokers—Longitudinal results from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) survey in Mexico. Addictive Behavior. 2013 Apr;38(4):1958-65. PMCID: PMC3579525
- Suarez N, Sanderson Cox L, Richter KP, Mendoza I, Fernández C, Garrett S, Scarinci I, Ellerbeck E, Cupertino AP. Success of “Promotores de Salud” in identifying immigrant Latino smokers and developing quit plans. Manuscript in press, International Public Health Journal, 2012
- Cupertino AP, Hunt JJ, Gajewski BJ, Jiang Y, Marquis J, Friedmann PD, Engelman KK, Richter, KP. The index of tobacco treatment quality: development of a tool to assess evidence-based treatment in a national sample of drug treatment facilities. Manuscript in press, Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2013
- Luaces MA, Suarez N, Estrella O, Ramaswamy M, Choi W, Cupertino A. (2013) Pipeline Efforts with a Freirean Twist: The Juntos Health Disparities Research Internship. Journal of Community Medicine and Health Education, 3:233.
D. Research Support
Ongoing Research Support
U54 CA154253 Greiner (PI) 09/17/2010 - 06/30/2015
Kansas Community Cancer Health Disparities Network
The Kansas Communities Cancer Disparities Network (KCCDN) will build on our existing CBPR research experience and alliances with community-based organizations to integrate existing cancer disparities research with service and technology networks across our state.
Role: Co-Investigator
Completed Research Support
R01 CA101963 Ellerbeck (PI) 07/09/2003 - 01/31/2014
National Cancer Institute
Disease Management for Smokers in Rural Primary Care
This grant will allow us to create a registry of smokers in 20 primary care practices and examine the impact of a long-term disease management program for smoking cessation.
Role: Post-Doctorate fellow/Co-Investigator
R24 MD002780-01, NIH51190 Cupertino (PI) 06/01/2008 - 01/31/2014
University of Kansas Center for Research (NIH)
Implementing the Health for All Model with the Latino Community of Kansas City
The goal of this study is to reduce diabetes and cardiovascular diseases among Latinos in Kansas City/Wyandotte County through a collaborative partnership to promote healthy nutrition, physical activity, and access to health services.
R03 TW008723 Richter /Cupertino (PI’s) 07/20/2010 - 06/30/2013
National Institute of Health – Fogarty
Optimizing Treatment for Brazilian Smokers through Community Based Primary Care
The purpose of this project is to describe and enhance tobacco treatment offered through Brazilian community-based primary care clinics. It involves collaborating with community-based primary care clinics to develop a representative registry of smokers, gather health care provider perspectives on the opportunities and challenges related to providing tobacco treatment, and developing and pilot testing an intervention to address barriers and optimize treatment.
RC4 RR031382 Greiner (PI) 08/19/2010 - 08/18/2013
Enhancing Community-Linked Research in Wyandotte County
Increase academic community partnerships in research, particularly research that will benefit the residents of Wyandotte County.
Role: Co-Investigator
#U58DP002977-01 [KU#NIH68017] Cupertino (PI) 09/30/2010 - 09/29/2012
University of Kansas Center for Research(Centers for Disease Control and Prevent
Mobilizing to Reduce Health Disparities among Latinos in Wyandotte County
The major goal of this project is to implement the MAPP process (Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships). KUMC Dept of Preventive Medicine will lead the Community Themes and strengths assessment in partnership with El Centro Inc.
R01 HL087643 Richter (PI) 09/15/2008 - 07/31/2012
National Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Telemedicine for Smoking Cessation in Rural Primary Care
A four-year randomized, controlled trial to examine the effectiveness of telemedicine-delivered smoking cessation counseling versus telephone counseling in rural primary care practices. The telemedicine arm that delivers expert counseling via web cameras mounted on desktop computers in rural primary care offices. After enrollment, participants in groups receive 4 sessions of either video tele-counseling or telephone counseling. Study outcomes are measured at 12-months post-enrollment.
Role: Co-Investigator
D34 HP16041 Thomas (PI) 07/01/2009 - 06/30/2012
Health Resources and Services Administration
Centers of Excellence
The purpose of this grant is to recruit and retain underrepresented minority students and faculty on the University of Kansas Medical Center campus.
Role: Co-Investigator
K01 CA136993 Cupertino (PI) 07/01/2009 - 06/30/2012
NHI/National Cancer Institute
Case Management for Reaching and Treating Underserved Latino Smokers
The objective of this application is to test the feasibility of using a novel case management approach to improve utilization of smoking cessation services among Latinos attending safety net clinics. This training and mentorship program will enhance Dr. Cupertino's ability to establish and maintain research collaborations within the Latino community, collect and analyze qualitative data, and develop and implement culturally appropriate behavioral interventions for Latinos.
R03 CA139568 Daley (PI) 09/26/2008 - 08/31/2011
NIH / Nat’l Institute of Child Health & Human Development
American Indian and Latino Community Ambassadors to Cancer Research
The objective of this project is to develop a model of community-based participatory research for the Communications and Community Engagement Shared Resource Core for the University of Kansas Cancer Center. Additionally, it trains a select group of community members in research to serve as ambassadors for their communities.
Role: Co-Investigator