Seck, J.C. Medina, J. Martìnez, E. Hernàndez, E. Hernàndez, N. Volpi, V.
Permutation flow shop scheduling problem deals with the production planning of a number of jobs processed by a set of machines in the same order. Several metaheuristics have been proposed for minimizing the makespan of this problem. Taking as basis the previous Alternate Two-Phase PSO (ATPPSO) method and the neighborhood concepts of the Cellular PSO algorithm proposed for continuous problems, this paper proposes the improvement of ATPPSO with a simple adaptive local search strategy (called CAPSO-SALS) to enhance its performance.CAPSO-SALS keeps the simplicity of ATPPSO and boosts the local search based on a neighborhood for every solution. Neighbors are produced by interchanges or insertions of jobs which are selected by a linear roulette scheme depending of the makespan of the best personal positions. The performance of CAPSO-SALS is evaluated using the 12 different sets of Taillard?s benchmark problems and then is contrasted with the original and another previous enhancement of the ATPPSO algorithm. Finally, CAPSO-SALS is compared as well with other ten classic and state-of-art metaheuristics, obtaining satisfactory results
Modeling a Nonlinear Liquid Level System by Cellular Neural Networks
Elementary cellular automaton Rule 110 explained as a block substitution system
How to Make Dull Cellular Automata Complex by Adding Memory: Rule 126 Case Study
Complex Dynamics Emerging in Rule 30 with Majority Memory
Pair Diagram and Cyclic Properties Characterizing the Inverse of Reversible Automata
Reproducing the Cyclic Tag System Developed by Matthew Cook with Rule 110 Using the Phases f(i-)1.
Unconventional invertible behaviors in reversible one-dimensional cellular automata.