Arias-Rico, J., Cerón-Sandoval, M.I., Sandoval-Gallegos, E.M., Ramírez-Moreno, E., Fernández-Cortés, T.L., Jaimez-Ordaz, J., Contreras-López, E., Añorve-Morga, J., Journal of Food Quality, (2018), https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/9620104
An alternative for prevention and treatment for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is increasing the intake of bioactive compounds as omega-3. However, several countries as México do not consume regularly foods with high content of omega-3, mainly fish products due to cultural, social, and economic factors. Therefore, the addition of omega-3 in other food sources could contribute to completing the requirements established of these fatty acids. To evaluate the effect of the consumption of poultry products supplemented with omega-3 in healthy population, a phase 1, double blind randomized, controlled parallel-group trial was carried out. After 14 weeks, the supplemented group had an increase in HDL, reducing the atherogenic index. The supplementation with omega-3 in poultry products could contribute to a cardioprotective effect. It is necessary to complete studies with a higher evaluation period to determine the improvement in anthropometric and cardiovascular parameters.
Propiedades fisicoquímicas y sensoriales de harinas para preparar atole de amaranto
Sensory profile and chemical composition of Opuntia joconostle from Hidalgo, Mexico