Producción Científica Profesorado

Minerals and Toxic Elements in Wild Mushrooms Species from Regions of Hidalgo State in Mexico

Prieto García, Francisco


E. López-Vázquez, Francisco Prieto García*. Minerals and Deleterious Elements in Wild Mushrooms Species from Regions of Hidalgo State in Mexico. Asian Journal of Chemistry (Septiembre 2016), Vol. 28(12): 2725-2730,


The macroelements and trace elements contents of six edible, two non-edible and one medicinal mushrooms and soils collected from different regions of Hidalgo State of Mexico were analyzed. Metals occurred in mushrooms follow the trends: K >> Al > Mg > Fe > Cu > Mn > Cr > Pb > Cd meanwhile the tendency of metals present in soils was Al > Fe > K > Mg > Mn = Cu > Cr; Pb and Cd. With the calculation of the bioconcentration factor it could be separated mushrooms in hyper accumulators (BCF > 1) and hypo accumulators (BCF < 1). Hyper accumulators mushrooms were for Cu > K > Mn > Mg, while for hypo accumulators the tendency for the metals was Cr > Al > Fe. Consumption of edible mushrooms do not represent a risk for the health and they are excellent source of minerals. - See more at:

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