Reactivity of Alkyne-substituted Transition Metal Clusters: An Overview. Gloria Sánchez-Cabrera, Francisco J. Zuno-Cruz and María J. Rosales-Hoz. Journal of Cluster Science (2014), 25(1), 51-82. ISSN : 1040-7278. e-ISSN : 1572-8862. DOI:10.1007/s10876-013-0628-6
In this work we present a summary of reactivity studies of alkyne substituted transition metal clusters towards different nucleophilic and electrophilic reagents. This work is not comprehensive but includes some of the most representative types of reactions of this type of compounds.
Hexacoordinated spirocyclic germanium(IV) complex: Synthesis and structural characterization
Synthesis and crystal structure of the N-8-(diphenyl-hydroxy-2-aminomethylpyridine)borane