Flores Segura Juan Carlos, Víctor Esteban Reyes Cruz (2014), "Influence of Different Dispersants in Electrochemical Reduction of Iron Oxides from Kaolin Clay", International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT) Volume 3, Issue 3, May 2014 pp 695-700
In the present research work was carried out the study of the electrochemical behavior of iron species insolutions prepared from kaolin and different industrial dispersants. The iron species present different behavior in relationwith pH, because that one solution pH was adjusted in order to study electro activity of the species in acid pH. To carry outthis study was used a diagram type Pourbaix in order to establish the thermodynamic potentials of oxidation and reduction. These results were compared with kinetic studies by means of cyclic voltammetry. These studies revealed that the species ofiron are more electro active in the solutions prepared with sodium hexameta phosphate and sodium polyacrylate and thatsetting to an acid pH, the electro activity of iron species increases.
Evaluación de a-Diiminas como inhibidores de corrosión: efecto de la ruta de síntesis
Pyrite?Arsenopyrite Galvanic Interaction and Electrochemical Reactivity
Polímeros y compuestos de tipo alfa-Diiminas como inhiibidores de corrosión
Pyrite?Arsenopyrite Galvanic Interaction and Electrochemical Reactivity
Evaluación de compuestos orgánicos como inhibidores de corrosión en medio ácido