Sixto Sael Serrano Lópeza, Víctor Esteban Reyes Cruz, Clara Hilda Ríos-Reyes.María Aurora Veloz Rodríguez. (2014). Thermodynamic study of Iridium in HCl: The effect of concentration. Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 976 (2014) pp 179-183. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.976.179
In this work, the dissolution of iridium was studied through a thermodynamic theoretic study withdifferent concentrations of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and Iridium (Ir). Three different acid conditionsand three different concentrations of iridium were analyzed: 1, 0.1 and 0.01 M HCl and 0.86, 0.021 and 0.002 M of iridium. The system 1 M HCl was the only one that presented soluble species of Ir.Results showed that as the Ir concentration diminished from 0.86 to 0.002 M, the pH range where it is possible to obtain Ir soluble species, increased (from 0-1.2 to 0-2). The presence of two Ir species (valences III and IV) for 0.021M and 0.002 M Ir concentrations was determined from the Pourbaix diagrams; while for the 0.086 M concentration, only the Ir (IV) species was observed. The Pourbaix diagrams showed that it is possible to obtain the species iridium (IV) from a potential range of 0.823 V vs SHE to 1.422 V vs SHE and at a pH between 0 and 1.2 in the 1 M HC1 solution.
Evaluación de un derivado piridínico como inhibidor de corrosión en medio ácido
Pyrite?Arsenopyrite Galvanic Interaction and Electrochemical Reactivity
Electrodepósito de plata de las soluciones provenientes de los desechos de la industria fotográfica
Evaluación de compuestos orgánicos como inhibidores de corrosión en medio ácido