Producción Científica Profesorado

Influence of the Temperature on the Diffusion Coefficient Value during the Cobalt Electrodeposition on Different Substrates.

Mendoza Huizar, Luis Humberto


Nancy Ramos Lora, Luis Humberto Mendoza Huizar, Clara Hilda-Rios-Reyes, Carlos Andrés Galán-Vidal, Influence of the Temperature on the Diffusion Coefficient Value during the Cobalt Electrodeposition on Different Substrates. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 976 (2014) pp 144-147.


Cobalt electrodeposition on palladium and glassy carbon was studied at different temperatures by using voltammetric techniques. Temperature effect on the diffusion coefficient value was analyzed. The results clearly showed that cobalt electrodeposition is a diffusioncontrolled process. The temperature effect on the values of the diffusion coefficient was analyzed through the Arrhenius equation. The value of the activation energy was calculated as 21.56 kJ mol-1 and 25.73 kJ mol1 for palladium and glassy carbon respectively.

Producto de Investigación

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