Producción Científica Profesorado

Purification of Kaolin Clays by Means of Electrochemical Techniques

Reyes Cruz, Victor Esteban


4.J. C. Flores Segura, V. E.Reyes Cruz, F. Legorreta García, L.E. Hernández Cruz y Veloz Rodríguez M. A. chapter: ?Purification of Kaolin Clays by Means of Electrochemical Techniques?, Recent Developments in Metallurgy, Materials and Environment (2012). ISBN 978-607-9023-18-8


In the present work a kaolin clay sample was studied and its treatment was carried out with the purpose of separating iron oxides contained in it. This kaolin clay comes from Agua Blanca de Iturbide in Hidalgo State (Mexico). The clay was classified and treated to obtain micrometrical particles. This material in solution was studied by voltammetry, this solution showed a cathodic process attributed to reduction of iron in kaolin. Likewise, a subsequent process of macroelectrolysis at a controlled cell potential, showed that, when process is finished, iron is solved; helping to increase the purity of kaolin.The mineral original was characterized by Xray diffraction (XRD), particle size analysis (PSA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and chemical analysis by high dispersion spectroscopy of inductively coupled plasma (ICP). The obtained product after treatment was characterized by ICP.

Producto de Investigación UAEH

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