Producción Científica Profesorado

Deposit of Gold And Silver from a Cyanide Leaching Solution in an Electrified Filter Press Device: Influence of Area, Potential and Linear Flow Velocity

Veloz Rodríguez, María Aurora


V. E. Reyes, M. T. Oropeza , I. González and M. A. Veloz ?Deposit of Gold And Silver from a Cyanide Leaching Solution in an Electrified Filter Press Device: Influence of Area, Potential and Linear Flow Velocity?, capitulo 10 del libro Theoretical and experimental advances in electrodeposition de la Editorial Research Signpost (2008). p 165-178, ISBN 9788130802244


An evaluation of a bench scale electrified filter press known as FMOI-LC, was done based on micro scale studies of the deposit of gold and silver from un ionic mixture with copper in a cyanide leaching

Producto de Investigación

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