Vega, C. G. (2012). Instrumentación y Estrategia de Control de un Sistema de Enfriamiento por Absorción que Opera con Energía Solar. 6.
This paper presents the development of the control strategy and selection of appropriate instrumentation for use in an absorption cooling system that operates through renewable energy. The experimental unit was designed with a capacity of 10.5 kW of cooling (3 tons of cooling), it operates with the ammonia mixture - water and used as the main source of supply of solar energy.The results obtained show that the system has stability during operation, showing the direct relationship between the generator and evaporator, corroborating the main control loop.
Diseño y Evaluación de Prototipo de Mano Robot Controlada por Impulsos Mioeléctricos
Failures Prediction of Pipelines Carrying Natural Gas Using Bees Algorithm