Producción Científica Profesorado

Step Motor Control System by means of Human Machine Interface and Programmable Logic Controller

Quezada Quezada, Jose Carlos


Quezada Quezada, J. C., Flores García, E., Bautista López, J., & López Chau, A. (2010). Step Motor Control System by means of Human Machine Interface and Programmable Logic Controller. Congreso Internacional sobre Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones. I.S.B.N.:978-607-95344-0-4


Step motors are widely used in motion control systems and they require the driver to provide high precision in pulses synchronization in order to obtain high precision in motor speed and thus in the mechanisms motions, including rotation direction of the set step motor-mechanism. In this work a control system for a step motor is designed and implemented on a test bank; the system consists of a GUI (Graphical User Interface) to interact with the operator. The HMI (Human-Machine Interface) has been designed on proprietary software and considers, to the operator, rules for control and monitoring of system conditions. The HMI is interconnected with a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) in which the control rules and system protections are implemented using Ladder Diagram Language (or Ladder Logic, LL).

Producto de Investigación

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