Lopez, P.G.; Quezada, J.C.Q.; Chau, A.L., "A metric for the evaluation of the efficiency in Scheduler of Concurrent Real-Time Tasks," Circuits and Systems, 2009. MWSCAS '09. 52nd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on , vol., no., pp.1067,1069, 2-5 Aug. 2009
The Concurrent Real-Time Tasks (TTRC), carry out all the activities of a System in Real-Time (STR); the Scheduler of Concurrent Real-Time Tasks (PTTRC) is the responsible of selecting the Real Time Task and the moment that it will take the resources, (PTTRC) is an algorithm that assigns the resources from the processor to different tasks in different moments. However, is necessary to verify effectiveness of the algorithm using an adequate approach that provides a metric between 0 and 1; the measuring should be carried out in local form and in a global way. In this work we intend the measuring of the efficiency of the scheduler through of the evolution of the instances of the Concurrent Tasks and their temporary restrictions.
Diseño y Evaluación de Prototipo de Mano Robot Controlada por Impulsos Mioeléctricos