Rosa M. Vázquez-Arredondo, Oscar R. Suárez-Castillo, Myriam Meléndez-Rodríguez, Maricruz Sánchez-Zavala, Indira C. Cano-Escudero, Claudia I. Bautista-Hernández, Julián Cruz-Borbolla, Martha S. Morales-Ríos, Pedro Joseph-Nathan. Absolute con?guration assignment of 3-indolylacetate esters. TETRAHEDRON-ASYMMETRY. Año: 2012, Volume: 23 Issue: 17 Pages: 1279-1293 DOI: 10.1016/j.tetasy.2012.08.005
Herein we describe a straightforward method for the determination of the absolute con?guration of 3-indolyl(bromo)acetate 7, 3-indolyl(alkoxy)acetates 8a?f and 3-indolyl(amino)acetate 8g, based on 1HNMR spectral analysis. The conformational preferences for two diastereomeric esters were calculatedby DFT, which matched very well with the experimental results. X-ray diffraction analysis allowed usto validate the methodology, and independent absolute con?guration evidence was obtained by vibrational circular dichroism.
Total Syntheses of Five Indole Alkaloids from the Marine Bryozoan Flustra foliacea
One-potsynthesis of conformationallyrestrictedspirooxindoles
Configuration, stereodynamics and crystal structure of 3-substituted-2-oxofuro[2,3-b]indoles
Transesterifications mediated by t-BuNH2
Unimolecular rearrangements of ketene-O,O-acetals and fragmentations occurring in the gas phase
Aromatic Bromination versus Oxidation of Indolylmalonates by Bromine
Trapping enols of esters and lactones with diazomethane
Role of lipid peroxidation in biliary obstruction in the rat
Conformational studies on indole alkaloids from Flustra foliacea by NMR and molecular modeling