R.I. Calva Fernández*, L.R. Coello Galindo*, E. Bolaños Rodríguez *, J. Castillo Paz* y B. Elguera Miranda*. Diseñio y Evaluación de Prototipo de Mano Robot Controlada por Impulsos Mioeléctricos. Memorias del 7mo Congreso TTCO 2011, IPN. Pre-printed.
This work we are design and evaluate a Robot hand prototype controlled by myoelectric pulses, for it is done the circuit design of electromyographic signals, the control, mechanical design and assembly, as well as the relevant evidence to the operation. The main results show that applying knowledge related to the amplification and microcontroller programming, it is possible to create projects that benefit human beings, with environmental impact using recycled materials.
Failures Prediction of Pipelines Carrying Natural Gas Using Bees Algorithm
Diseño y Evaluación de Prototipo de Mano Robot Controlada por Impulsos Mioeléctricos