Producción Científica Profesorado

Control and Monitoring of Corrosion in SAE 1018 Carbon Steel Pipelines Using Microcontrollers dsPIC 30f3013

Flores García, Ernesto


J. Bautista-López, E. Flores-García, E. Bolaños-Rodríguez, J. C. Quezada-Quezada, C. A. Rojas-Hernández. Control and Monitoring of Corrosion in SAE 1018 Carbon Steel Pipelines Using Microcontrollers dsPIC 30f3013. Memoria de Congreso 219th ECS Montreal, Canadá.


In this work the design of a system for controlling and monitoring corrosion occurring in SAE 1018 carbon steel pipelines carrying potable water at a region of Hidalgo State, Mexico, is proposed through the system implementation based on a microcontroller dsPICMR which owns an Analog-Digital Converter (ADC) with resolution of 12 bits. Additionally, the controller has the capability of multiplexing 10 analog channels for conversion. The obtained main results show that the medium and the operating conditions are not the causing of system faults.

Producto de Investigación UAEH

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