First total synthesis of ()-flustraminol B.Oscar R. Suárez-Castillo, Maricruz Sánchez-Zavala, Myriam Meléndez-Rodríguez, Eliazar Aquino-Torres, Martha S. Morales-Ríos, Pedro Joseph-Nathan. DOI: 10.3987/COM-07-11048
A first route for the synthesis of a 6-brominated marine alkaloid, flustraminol B (1), is reported using 2,6-dibromoindole (3b) as a key starting material. Bromine atoms were introduced regioselectively to 2b using NBS. The crucial selective reductive cyclization of the corresponding 6-brominated-2,3-dioxindole (7b) was successfully controlled using Red-Al in toluene, leading to 6-brominated pyrroloindole (8), which by selective N-methylation gave flustraminol B (1).
Transesterifications mediated by t-BuNH2
Unimolecular rearrangements of ketene-O,O-acetals and fragmentations occurring in the gas phase
The absoluteconfiguration of cuauhtemone and related compounds
Trapping enols of esters and lactones with diazomethane
First Total Synthesis of ()-Flustraminol B
Conformational studies on indole alkaloids from Flustra foliacea by NMR and molecular modeling
Total Syntheses of Five Indole Alkaloids from the Marine Bryozoan Flustra foliacea
Synthesis of 6-bromo-2-arylindoles using 2-iodobenzoic acid as precursor