First total syntheses of dihydroflustramine C and flustramine E, alkaloids from the marine bryozoan Flustra foliacea. Morales-Ríos Martha S., Suárez-Castillo Oscar R., Joseph-Nathan P. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0040-4020(02)00011-X
We have developed a simple and practical method for providing the common tricyclic skeleton of physostigmine type alkaloids, and demonstrated its utility for indole alkaloid synthesis. Thus, we achieved the firsttotalsyntheses of ()-dihydroflustramine C and ()-flustramine E, as well as the totalsyntheses of their debromoanalogues from the corresponding 2-hydroxyindolenines in five steps with 31, 27, 39 and 23% overall yields, respectively. The structures of some intermediates were confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction analyses.
Configuration, stereodynamics and crystal structure of 3-substituted-2-oxofuro[2,3-b]indoles
Aromatic Bromination versus Oxidation of Indolylmalonates by Bromine
One-potsynthesis of conformationallyrestrictedspirooxindoles
Trapping enols of esters and lactones with diazomethane
Total Syntheses of Five Indole Alkaloids from the Marine Bryozoan Flustra foliacea
Synthesis of Bromoindole Alkaloids from Laurencia brongniartii
Cleavage of alkoxycarbonyl protecting groups from carbamates by t-BuNH2