Producción Científica Profesorado

Synthesis, characterization, and crystal structures of n-alkyldiorganodithiophosphates RS2P(OC6H4)2

Páez Hernández, María Elena


Pérez-García, F., Alvarado-Rodríguez, J.G., Galán-Vidal, C.A., Páez-Hernández, M.E., Andrade-López, N., Moreno-Esparza, R. Synthesis, characterization, and crystal structures of n-alkyldiorganodithiophosphates RS2P(OC6H4)2. Structural Chemistry, 21 (2010) 191-196. DOI 10.1007/s11224-009-9562-5


Treatment of KS2P(OC6H4)2 (1) with five n-alkyl halides afforded the stable n-alkyldithiophosphate compounds RS2P(OC6H4)2 (26). Single crystal X-ray analysis revealed that the PS2 fragment in 1 displays an isobidentate coordination pattern; compounds 24 display a monodentate binding pattern. The crystal packing of title compounds is stabilized by cation-p, weak hydrogen bonding CHO, as well as aromatic non-bonded interactions.

Producto de Investigación

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